
Propylene glycol uses in a wild application

Propylene glycol is an important raw material of unsaturated polyester, epoxy resin, polyurethane resin, the amount is about 45% total consumption of propylene glycol. This unsaturated polyester are largely used for surface coatings and reinforced plastics. The viscous and hygroscopic of propylene glycol is good, and it is nontoxic. As a result, this product is widely used as hygroscopic agent, antifreeze, lubricants and solvents in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

In the food industry, propylene glycol reacts with fatty acid to have propylene glycol esters of fatty acids, this is primarily used as a food emulsifier; propylene glycol is and excellent solvent of pigments and condiment. Propylene glycol used in the pharmaceutical industry for manufacturing of various ointments, ointments solvents, softeners and excipients, etc. Due to the propylene glycol has better solubility with various spices, thus it also used as solvents and softeners for cosmetics.

Pharmaceutical grade propylene glycol is at the begining is major produced by United States Dow Chemical, United States Lyondell company. Later, Lyondell Korea factory transferred to SK Group, coupled with the sea shell factory in Huizhou. Currently, the major four brands are being sold. A certain proportion of propylene glycol and water mixture can slow the hydrolysis of certain drugs and increase its stability. When its concentration is appropriate as a solvent for injection.


Propylene glycol is also an important monomer to make excellent new polyester fiber poly Terephthalic acid dimethyl ester (PTT). Compared to PET ( polyethylene terephthalate), PBT (commonly known as Dacron polyester, chemical name is polyethylene terephthalate dimethyl ester ) fiber, PTT fiber has better performance. It has both high performance of PET and ease processing of PBT. Compared with conventional PET polyester fiber, such fiber of it's soft parts is propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol. Therefore, it's soft parts of carbon-carbon chain is long, which makes the fiber itself is elastic and soft.

In the pharmaceutical industry, as its very nature basically identical to the glycerol, but viscosity, toxicity and irritation are smaller than glycerol, and good solubility, so it used to dissolve many drugs such as sulfa drugs, local anesthetics, sex hormones, vitamin d, vitamin a, chloramphenicol, and many essential oils. OKCHEM blog updates knowledge and information about chemicals and precise datas of China chemicals, if you have interest, please click here or visit OKCHEM.COM.

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Catalyst in chemical production

Catalyst will induce a chemical reaction changes to make the reaction faster or slow. Catalyst's own composition, property and quality does not change before and after the reaction. Its relationship with reaction system just like a lock and key, it has high selectivity or specificity. It does not have catalyst for all chemical reactions. For example, manganese dioxide has catalytic when potassium chlorate is heated and decomposed, speeding up the chemical reaction rate,. But it does not necessarily have a catalytic role to other chemical reactions. Some chemical reactions are not the only catalyst, because during the heat and decomposition of potassium chlorate, magnesium oxide, iron oxide, copper oxide, etc play a role of catalytic.


Catalyst plays an important role in chemical production, scientists experiment and life activities. For example, five oxidation II vanadium as catalyst in the sulfuric acid production. In refinery factory, select different catalyst can get different quality of gasoline and kerosene. Car exhaust has carbon monoxide and a oxidation nitrogen, so use platinum or other metal as catalyst can quickly turn the two into harmless carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Enzyme has catalytic capacity of protein produced by plant, animal and microbial. Brewing industry and pharmaceutical industry are all need catalyst. The chemical reaction of molecular is done with less energy in the environment of catalyst.

The amount of it is small, but the function is large. They are used for catalytic reactions of polymerization, polycondensation, esterifying, Acetal, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, oxidation, reduction, alkylation, isomerization, etc. However, the catalyst cannot change the thermodynamic equilibrium. It can only affect the rate of reaction equilibrium. Speed up reaction called positive catalysts, otherwise it is negative catalyst. Commonly it refers to positive catalysts.

Such chemical has become the Centre of polymer synthesis. It not only determines the speed of chemical reactions, but also affects the economic efficiency of the production process. It has wide range of catalysts, which can be formed by one or several substances. Some are single compound, some are mixtures, some are complex. Commonly used are metal, metal oxide, sulfide, pH, biological catalysts and so on. OKCHEM blog updates knowledge and information about chemicals and precise datas of China chemicals, if you have interest, please visit OKCHEM.COM or click here.

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Nigeria: Willa Jiang, +234 8170283285
Mexico: Claudia Guo, +52 55 2881 8423


Dichloromethane uses in many field

Dichloromethane is insoluble in water, but soluble in phenol, aldehyde, ketone, glacial acetic acid, triethyl ester of phosphoric acid, ethyl acetoacetate, cyclohexylamine. Pyrolysis produces HCl and traces of phosgene, heating with water for a long time will generate formaldehyde and HCl. Further chlorination can get CHCl3 and CCl4. Methylene chloride with sodium hydroxide reactions and partially hydrolyzed to produce formaldehyde at high temperature. Dichloromethane produced by natural gas reacts with chlorine gas in industry. Then after distillation to be purified.

It is an excellent organic solvents and commonly used to replace the flammable petroleum ether, ethyl ether. It can be used as dental local anesthetic, refrigerants and fire extinguishing agent, etc. The irritation to the skin and mucous membranes slightly stronger than chloroform, so it should pay attention to the use of the high concentration of dichloromethane.


Dichloromethane has a strong dissolve and low toxicity. It mostly used to manufacture film, polycarbonate, as well as metals degreaser, paint solvents, gas and smoke spray aerosol, polyurethane foam, mould release agents, paint remover.
Dichloromethane is colorless liquid and is used as reaction medium in the pharmaceutical industry. It also can be used for the preparation of ampicillin, carbenicillin, oil dewaxing solvent, aerosol propellant, synthetic organic extractant, polyurethane foam used for the production of foaming agent and metal cleaning agent, etc. It used as an auxiliary blowing agent in the production of polyether Urethane foam, as well as the blowing agent of extruded PS foam. Meanwhile, dichloromethane is a substance used to make decaffeinated coffee. Through the cooking to make the caffeine dissolves and float on the surface, then use dichloromethane to remove the caffeine.

Vapor of dichloromethane has narcotic effect. It mainly damage the central nervous and respiratory systems. Human major exposure way is inhalation. When it comes across a severe danger of poisoning, it should immediately disengage and move to fresh air, some symptoms will be relieved or disappear without causing lasting damage.

At the same time, here is the protection and first aid measures:
Respiratory protection: when the concentration is beyond the standard in the air, direct gas masks should be worn (half masks). Wear air respirator when emergency rescue or evacuation.
Eye protection: wear chemical safety goggles if necessary.
Body protection: wear antivirus penetration overalls.
Hand protection: wear chemical-proof gloves.
Besides, no smoking, eating, and drinking water in the workplace. Take a shower after work, and separate the contaminated clothing. OKCHEM blog updates knowledge and information about chemicals and precise datas of China chemicals, if you have interest, please follow us OKCHEM.COM linkedin or view more.


Distinguish re-dispersible emulsion powders

Re-dispersible Emulsion Powder is water soluble redispersible powders. It is a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate, and it takes polyvinyl alcohol as protective colloid. Because of dispersible polymer powders with high binding capacity and unique properties, so they are extremely wide range of applications. Such as building insulation binders, plastering mortar, tile adhesive, caulking agent, interface, gypsum, exterior wall PuTTY, PuTTY elasticity, elastic coatings, repair mortar and self-leveling mortar, adhesive powder polyphenylene grain thermal insulation mortar, etc.

Using re-dispersible emulsion powder can improve various cementitious materials and mortars of various properties. It improves adhesion, cohesion, impact resistance, wear resistance, flexural strength, curvature, lower modulus of elasticity, reduce water absorption, increase water retention and water resistance, etc. Buildings has an unusual intensity when it build with bricks, blocks and so on.

Re-dispersible emulsion powders are powder adhesive made by a special latex (polymer) spray-drying. Such powders with water can be dispersed again soon to form emulsion and it has the same properties with initial emulsion, which can form a film after evaporation of water. This membrane with high flexibility, high weather resistance and high adhesion to various substrates.

Re-dispersible Emulsion Powder are green, building energy-saving, high-quality multi-purpose powder materials. They are indispensable functional additives of dry-mix mortar. They can improve mortar performance, mortar strength and the adhesive strength of mortar with a variety of substrates. They improve flexibility and variable row, compressive strength, flexural strength, wear resistance, toughness, adhesion and water-holding capacity and constructability. In addition, the hydrophobic polymer powders can make mortar with good water resistance.

Many customers do not know how to distinguish quality of re-dispersible emulsion powder. According to the large collected data, here to summarize and share. Hope it is helpful.

1 dissolve: take a certain quantitative powder dissolved in 5 times the quality of the water, Let stand for 5 minutes after fully stir. In principle, less insoluble settled to the bottom, the better the powders quality.

2 film: take a certain quality of powder and dissolve in twice times of the water, rest for 2 minutes after fully stir, stir again, place the solution in a clean glass, glass placed in ventilation and shade. To be fully dry, peel off to observe the polymer film. High transparency is good quality. Moderate pull, stretch well is good quality. Cut film into strips, then soak in water and observe after 1 day, less dissolved by water is good quality.

3 ash: take a quantitative powder, weigh and place in a metal container and heat up to about 500 degrees, cool to ambient temperature after a 500-degree heat and burn, then weigh again. Light weight is good quality. OKCHEM blog updates knowledge and information about chemicals and precise datas of China chemicals, if you have interest, please follow us OKCHEM.COM linkedin or click here.


Categories of silicone softener

Softener is a substance to increase the softness of the material. Softening agent with excellent properties also make fiber has special touch to improve the quality and added value. According to main active ingredient, industrially used softener can be classified into oils, surfactant, reaction and polymer type. In the series of polymer type softening agent, organic silicon softening agent has best performance and maximum output.


Silicone softener is silicone polymers and their alkyl derivatives. Oxygen atoms of silicon-oxygen bond adsorbed on the fiber surface and make hydrophobic methyl arranged to cover the fiber surface. Because of bond angle of silicon oxygen bond can change and produce telescopic under external force. Therefore, fabrics processed by silicone softener will form a layer tough water repellent and can telescopic of continuous film on the surface. It makes fabric has soft and smooth of feel, as well as good breathable, surface gloss and wearing comfortable.

Silicone softener can be divided into three categories according to its structure, namely non-reactive organic silicon softening agent, reactive organic silicon softening agent and modified silicone softeners.

Non-reactive organic silicon softening agent
This is the first use of silicone called poly dimethyl siloxane (DMPS). Because of its not high polymerization and itself cannot be cross-linked. It does not react to fiber, the touch, stretch and elasticity of finishing fabric are not ideal. So it cannot be used directly as a softening agent. And it must be under the effect of emulsifier to be prepared into silicone oil emulsion and then applied to fabric.

Reactive silicone softener
Replace the ends of the linear structure of dimethyl polysiloxane (DMPS) by hydroxyl (-OH), so that it has a certain degree of hydrophilicity. This hydroxyl-terminated head of Dimethyl polysiloxane emulsion is called the silicone hydroxy lotion. Such many kinds of products can be used alone as a softener. It can tie with other silicone to form crosslinking reaction and form membrane which is insoluble in water molecules in fiber. So after finishing fabric has some washable and water resistant.

Modified silicone softeners
A reactive group of organic silicon is modified organic silicon. It is a reactive organic silicon backbone is replaced by a more lively group, which is replaced by-OH,-CH2CH2O-,-CONH2,-COOCH3. It can further enhance the activity of softener and help fabric to get soft, wrinkle, anti-pilling, hydrophilic and antistatic effects. OKCHEM blog updates knowledge and information about chemicals and precise datas of China chemicals, if you have interest, please visit OKCHEM.COM or read more here.


Advantages of polycarboxylate high performance water reducing agent

As the third generation of new type concrete water reducing agent, polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer is generally considered to represent the development trend of the concrete reduction agent for its low dosage, high water reducing rate, high slump, low shrinkage and environmental friendly. The former two generations of water reducing agent can not match this performance advantage.

Polycarboxylate high performance water reducing agent is a macromolecular compound with carboxyl, amino, Sulfonic acid group and containing polyoxyethylene side chain, in aqueous solution, through free radical copolymerization principle synthesis with polymer surfactant comb type structure. The main raw materials of synthesis of polycarboxylate high performance water reducing are methacrylic acid, acrylic acid, ethyl acrylate, sodium allyl sulfonate acid, methyl methacrylate, 2- acrylamide - 2- methoxy acrylate,methoxy polyoxyethylene methyl acrylate and ethoxy polyethylene glycol acrylate, allyl ether etc.


Polycarboxylic concrete water reducing agent is the third generation high performance water reducing agent. Compared with the traditional water reducer, it has the following prominent advantages:

A. high water reduction rate: carboxylic acid high performance water reducing rate can reach 25-40%.
B. high strength growth rate: very high strength of growth rate, especially the early strength of high growth rate.
C. excellent slump: excellent slump performance can guarantee the minimum loss of concrete.
D. good uniformity: the concrete has a very good fluidity and easy to cast and compacted, it is suitable for self leveling and self compacting concrete.
E. wide adaptability: material for concrete has good dispersibility and plasticity of pure silicon, silicon, Pu slag Portland cement and admixture.
F. production controllability: through the polymer molecular weight, the length of the side chain density and side chain groups to adjust the adjustment of the types of the series water reducing agent, water reducing rate, water and air entraining performance.
G. low shrinkage: it can effectively improve the volume stability of concrete.
H. green environmentally: non-toxic, non corrosive, non formaldehyde and other harmful components.

Polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer can be applied to high-speed rail, passenger, industrial and civil buildings, roads, bridges, ports, airports and other projects of the precast and cast-concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete. It especially suitable for long time preparation of concrete construction, high requirements the projects of slump of concrete, such as nuclear power engineering. OKCHEM blog updates knowledge and information about chemicals and precise datas of China chemicals, if you have interest, please follow us linkedin page or click here to get more.


Many uses of food grade SAPP

Food grade SAPP as fast fermentation agent, quality improver, leavening agent, buffering agent, chelating agent, complex agent and adhesive in food processing. For bread, pastries and other acidic ingredients of synthetic leavening agent, the production of CO2 costs a long time.

This is suitable for less water content of the baked food. It can be used for cheese, luncheon meat, ham, meat and aquatic products processing, water retaining agent for aquatic product processing and water recovery agent for instant noodles when combined with other phosphate. In food processing, it generally add 0.5-3%, the largest amount is 1% in the processing of aquatic products.


They are white powders or white particles, relative density is 1.86. It is soluble in water but insoluble in ethanol. It hydrolyzed into phosphoric acid when aqueous solution and dilute inorganic acid heating. It has moisture absorption. It forms six crystalline hydrate after water absorption. Decomposition and formation of sodium phosphate when heated to above 220℃.

It can control the fermentation speed and increase the intensity of production when add food grade SAPP to the barbecue food. Sodium acid pyrophosphate acid used for bread and pastries synthetic leavening agent can prolong storage time and space loose neat, as well as reduce the biscuit cake crushing rate. SAPP can improve the taste and color in sausage processing, also it improves processing speed. Sodium acid pyrophosphate used in aquatic products processing, fish balls, fish sausage, frozen food can prevent the formation of crystal flower and moisture control.

As to bulking agent, it has an important position in the food manufacturing. Bread, cakes, bread and other food is characterized by sponge like porous tissue, so the taste is soft. In order to achieve this goal in food manufacturing, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of gas in the dough. The material and blocking process of mixed material in air and moisture in the baking heat generated by water vapor can cause the product to produce some spongy tissue. But to achieve the ideal effect, the amount of gas is not enough. The vast majority of the gas required is provided by the bulking agent, therefore the agent has an important role in the manufacture of food.

OKCHEM blog updates knowledge and information about chemicals and precise datas of China chemicals, if you have interest, please click here.

Or you can contact our local professional representatives to get more detailed information about Chemicals.

Iran: Michael Xu, +98 9033268135
Brazil: Vincent Chen, +55 41 98981657
US: Jerry Qian, +1 201-3986307
Egypt: Livy Hong, +20 01210964039
Nigeria: Willa Jiang, +234 8170283285
Mexico: Claudia Guo, +52 55 2881 8423


Uses and selection of silane coupling agent

Silane coupling agent is a class of organic compounds containing silicon atoms. It can enhance affinity between organics and inorganics, as well as enhance the physical and chemical properties of the composite, such as strength, toughness, electrical properties, water resistance and corrosion resistance.

Main uses of silane coupling agent are as follows:

It is a kind of double function molecule. It not only can react with inorganic filler, but also can react with organic polymer. It functions as a variety of mineral filler polymer viscosity and accelerator and improve the mechanical properties and electrical properties. When combined with inorganic filler, this product can make the surface of the filler hydrophobic. This effect can improve the compatibility between the filler and polymer. Thereby makes it better dispersion, lower melt viscosity and easy processing of filled plastics.


Superfine powder active halogen-free flame retardant agent produced by modified aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide fundamentally solve the ultrafine particle coalescence, insufficient modification and uneven dispersion problem. As a result, the flame retardant is widely used in the flame retardant of electric wire and cable, engineering plastics, decorative materials, coating and fabric.

It improves the adhesion of printing ink, glue and paint on the surface of glass, ceramic or metal. It has lower cost than ceramic melting process.

When it used for the treatment of glass fiber reinforced materials, it can improve the wet mechanical properties of the composite materials and the stability of electrical properties. As a tackifier of epoxy resin, polyurethane, chloroprene rubber adhesives and sealants can greatly improve the dry adhesion of resin to glass or metal substrate, as well as improve wet adhesion retention rate.

In the two types of properties of silane coupling agent, the Y group is the most important one, which directly determines the application effect of silane coupling agent. Bonding strength of organic adhesive can be improved only when the Y group can react with the corresponding matrix resin. Generally requirement is the Y groups can be able to mixed with the resin and has coupling reaction, so the silane coupling agent containing the appropriate Y group must be selected for different resins. When Y is non reactive alkyl or aryl, it is not available to the polar resin. But it can be used in the bonding of non polar resin, such as silicone rubber, polystyrene, etc. When Y is a reactive functional group, it should pay attention to reaction and phase solubility with the resin used. Amino silane coupling agent is universal, it almost can be coupled with a variety of resins, but other than polyester resin. More information about okchem and chemicals, please click here!


Aspartame and correct understanding

"Aspartame" word may be seen by consumers in some food labels. So, what is aspartame? Why label "containing phenylalanine"? Aspartame is a sweetener and is a kind of non carbohydrate sweeteners. It is a kind of food additives commonly used in international. China has been approved for use in 1986. Aspartame is a white crystalline powder with a refreshing sweet under normal temperature. It slightly soluble in water but insoluble in ethanol and oil. China's food additive standard GB2760-86 stipulates that it can be used in soft drinks, milk drinks, vinegar, coffee drinks and other foods.

It is a natural functional oligosaccharides and does not cause tooth decay. As well as pure sweet, low moisture absorption and no sticky phenomenon. It is a sweetener developed success and so far the closest sugar sweet taste. This product will not cause a significant increase in blood sugar, therefore it suitable for diabetes patients. It has a wide use, such as it can be used in cakes, biscuits, bread, wine, beverage, candy, ice cream, etc.


Because aspartame is about 200 times than the average sugar and less calories than the average sucrose. A grams of aspartame has about 4 thousand calories. As it makes people feel the amount required for sweet aspartame is very small, resulting in negligible calories, so it is widely used as a substitute for sucrose. It mainly in the beverage, vitamin lozenge or gum instead of using sugar. High temperature will cause it to break down and lose sweet taste, as a result, aspartame is not suitable for cooking and hot drinks.

The mixed use with sugar or other sweeteners has a synergistic effect. For example, add 2% ~ 3% to saccharin could cover the bad taste of saccharin. Mixed with flavours will has excellent efficiency.

But there are something need to pay attention to. The thermal stability to acid and alkali is poor. It is easy hydrolysis in acid and alkali or in high temperature. It is not suitable for making bread, biscuits, cakes and other baked goods and high acid foods when temperature is more than 150℃. Besides, it is not suitable for patients with phenylketonuria, because aspartame can be decomposed into phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol under the action of enzymes in the human gastrointestinal tract. So it needs to mark "Patients with benzene acetone urine should not be used" on the label. Get more here!


Food grade phosphoric acid and tips

Food grade phosphoric acid is a kind of cheap sour agent. It can replace citric acid for the production of a variety of drinks. According to the introduction, some beverages like cola is a dilute phosphoric acid as the main body, and supplemented by a variety of flavoring agents. Food grade phosphoric acid is the basic raw material for the production of food grade phosphate. According to the food grade phosphoric acid, it can produce multi series, multi variety of food grade phosphate.

Phosphate in food performs well, such as it can adjust, improve the structure, color, aroma and taste of food, as well as to improve the performance of food in baking. As phosphorus is an essential element of the human body, so food grade phosphate and food grade phosphate have been widely used as food additives in the developed countries. In the production process of meat products, in order to make the products form integrity, good color, quality and tender, gloss, it often mixed with some phosphate as quality improvement agent. This can increase water retention performance of meat, improve the meat's tenderness and cohesiveness.
The other name are rthophosphoric acid; Phosphoric Acid, Sonac; white phosphoric acid; Phosphoric acid, food grade; PA; Phosphoric acid food grade. The product is a colorless, transparent or slightly lighter liquid with a relative density of 1.70. The melting point of 42.35℃. Phosphoric acid as the necessary components to constitute human bone, tooth and a variety of enzymes.

Edible phosphoric acid has many uses. It can be used for flavoring agent; it is sour agent applied to liquid, solid beverage, can and soft drinks to replace the citric acid and malic acid; it can replace lactic acid to adjust the pH value in the beer saccharification process; it functions as clarifying agent for sugar industry sugar; it uses for yeast nutritional agent in wine to prevent bacteria breeding; it is also flour improver. At the same time, it also widely used in high precision electronic industry, pharmaceutical industry, etc.

The packaging of edible phosphoric acid should have words of food additive. It packaged by polyethylene plastic bucket with inner and outer sealing cover. There should be marked product name, specification, net weight, "corrosive goods" signs on the package. It should be stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse. High concentration of phosphoric acid in the winter cold areas should pay attention to heat preservation, prevent icing, to prevent leakage of the container rupture. It can not mix with alkali, toxic substances and other corrosive substances storage and transportation. More information about chemicals, please visit okchem.com homepage or click here right now!


Waterproof agent and building waterproof materials

Waterproof agent a kind of additive added to cement and concrete. It is a certain proportion of concrete, cement and sand to mix with, and each kind of waterproof agent measurement is added different. The specific measurement according to different manufacturers standards. Building materials waterproof agent is used in the waterproof engineering of basement, toilet, reservoir, pond, the tunnel roof, roof, floor, walls and so on.

The performance of traditional asphalt waterproof coating is poor. The ground waterproof has been replaced by sprayed polyurethane foam, polyurethane, acrylic and silicone waterproof and protective coatings. The underground waterproof is replaced by permeable waterproof coating, polyurethane waterproof coating and polymer cement waterproof paint.


The building waterproof project is an important part of the construction project, which is directly related to the service life of the building. Each waterproof material has its own uniqueness and applicability, so how to choose materials is important. Because the waterproof material is one of the main reason to cause the leakage of the building. The building waterproof materials of flexible waterproof materials, such as the emulsion polymer waterproof material of JS composite materials, polyurethane waterproof material, waterproof rubber, etc. These materials are mainly wrapped around the base, and they do not let water exudation and infiltration. These materials have certain elongation and tensile strength. But the only drawback of these materials is they have a certain number of years of waterproof, that is, waterproof life. These materials are widely used in roofing, toilet, joints, water mouth, masonry base etc.

Polyurethane waterproof coating is a kind of building waterproof coating that with the best function and the most wide use one. It is appiled to exterior wall, roof, underground walls, open gallery, eaves, bathroom, storage tank and water tank, etc.
Acrylic waterproof coating has the function of waterproof and decorative, but the water vapor permeability is not good. In order to implement better protection of opposites, silicone resin emulsion can be added to greatly improve the water vapor permeability.

Silicone protective coating used for roofing, and exterior wall uses silicone waterproof coating to provide perfect weather-resistance waterproof, this is also an ideal exterior wall paint. Its performance is far superior to acrylic and fluorocarbon coatings.

Polymer cement waterproof coating has a wide range of applications in the underground waterproof. And permeable waterproof paint reactive crystallization with water and block the pores. It is excellent the underground interior wall waterproofing paint, and it is widely used in the United States, Japan and China. If you have interest to okchem follow us and want to get more information about chemicals raw materials, please read more here!


The importance of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is also called L- ascorbic acid, a kind of water-soluble vitamins. It plays a regulatory role in the redox metabolic reactions. the lack of it can cause scurvy. Normally, the vast majority of vitamin C in the body  metabolic decompose into oxalic acid or ascorbic acid -2- sulfuric acid combined with sulfuric acid and urine excretion, the other part can be directly discharged from the urine in vitro.

Vitamin C is a very delicate water soluble vitamin. Its nature is very unstable and easy to be oxidized and destroyed. Vc not only afraid of light, the heat, alkali, but also afraid of the bronze iron, therefore, the processing of food containing Vc should avoid high temperature. Besides, processing containers also avoid that kind of container. In the acidic environment, Vc is more stable. So acidic environment can be selected for the food processing.

When in the calculation of vitamin content in food, people usually only pay attention to the amount of raw materials before food processing or the amount added to fortified foods. But its amount usually decreases in food processing and storage. This can not meet the amount of vitamin intake, it also causes economic losses. Various complex factors such as light, heat, acid, alkali, oxygen and so on can cause the loss of vitamin.

Why vitamin C is often used as a food additive?
Vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of collagen. Collagen is a kind of important material to human tissue cells, development and repair of gums, bones and blood vessels. It helps to absorb iron and often recommended for the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) substances. As to smokers and older people, they need more vitamin C. For a cigarette can destroy 25 to 100mg of vitamin C.

Overdose of vitamin C makes the disease resistance of white blood cells decreased obviously. Taking an overdose of vitamin C can lead to the formation of oxalic acid and uric acid stones. Excessive intake will cause some uncomfortable side effects, such as diarrhea, urine, skin rash, etc. But cancer patients receiving radiotherapy or chemotherapy should not take vitamin C.

Vitamin C can be used in fermented flour products, beer, carbonated drinks, tea drinks, juice drinks, milk drinks, milk candy, jelly, canned fruit, broth, children's products, meat products, grain baking products and so on. The uses of vitamin C are nutritional supplements, antioxidants and color protection agent. It can enhance the resistance to infectious diseases, as well as prevent scurvy, anemia, loss of appetite, alveolar pyorrhea, etc. If you have interest to okchem.com, please click here for more, thanks!


Main features of silicone rubber

Silicone rubber is a kind of polymer elastic material with inorganic and organic nature. Its backbone is composed of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms form (- Si - O - Si), the side chain is hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon substituted organic groups connected with silicon atoms, such groups can be methyl, unsaturated vinyl (mole fraction is generally not more than 01005) or other organic groups, this low unsaturation molecular structure makes the silicon rubber has excellent heat aging resistance, weathering resistance and resistance to ultraviolet and ozone erosion. The structural characteristics such as the flexibility of the molecular chain is large and the interaction force between the molecular chain is weak make the vulcanized rubber soft and elastic, but poor physical properties.

Here are the main features of silicone rubber:

Heat resistance: silicone rubber has good heat resistance compared to ordinary rubber, it can be below 150 degrees almost always use without performance change; can be used continuously for 10000 hours at 200 degrees; can also be used for a period of time at 350 degrees. It is widely used in occasions requiring heat, such as sealing ring of hot water bottle.

Cold resistance: the general rubber is delayed for -20 degrees ~-30 degrees, that is, silicone rubber of -60 degrees ~-70 degrees still have better flexibility, some special formula of silicone rubber can withstand extremely low temperature.

Electrical properties: silicone rubber with high resistivity, and it resistance remained stable in a wide range of temperature and frequency. At the same time, silicone rubber has good resistance to high voltage corona discharge and arc discharge.
Weather resistance: ordinary rubber rapid degradation under ozone produced by corona discharge, while silicone rubber is not affected by ozone effect. And its physical properties have only minor changes at long time in the ultraviolet and other climatic conditions.

Conductivity: when adding conductive fillers (carbon black), silicone rubber has keyboard conductive contact point.

Thermal conductivity: when adding some conductive filler, silicone rubber has the thermal conductivity.

Radiation: the radiation resistant greatly improve if silicone rubber contains phenyl.
Flame retardant: silicone rubber itself is flammable, but it has a flame-retardant and self extinguishing when adding a small amount of anti burning agent; and because the silicone rubber containing no organic halides, thus the burning without smoke or emit toxic gases.

Permeability: silicone rubber film is better than ordinary rubber and plastic film. And it has a strong selectivity to different air permeability.

Also, if you have interest to silicone rubber, here are ways of contact:

Our local representatives in Egypt office: Livy Hong, +20 01210964039 sales-eg@okchem.com

our local representatives in Nigeria office: Willa Jiang, +234 8170283285 sales-ni@okchem.com

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