
Uses of lubricants in plastics processing

The main role of lubricants is to decrease the friction between plastic materials and processing machinery as well as the friction between the molecules of plastic materials, so as to improve the processing properties of plastics and improve the performance of products.

Lubricant in the actual processing of plastics with a variety of performance. For example, it can prevent polymer adhesion to barrel, inhibit friction heat and reduce the mixing torque and load during mixing and calendering processing, thereby preventing the thermal degradation of polymeric materials. At the time of extrusion, it can increase liquidity, improve the adhesion of polymer materials with the barrel and mold, prevent and reduce retention.

Lubricants according to chemical structure can be divided into amides of fatty acids, hydrocarbons, fatty acids, esters, alcohols,

In the processing of plastics industry, according to the different interfaces between material and material, it can be divided into external lubricant and internal lubricant. Inner lubricant has a certain affinity with polymer, metal soaps and compound lubricants; but according to use, it can be divided into inner lubricant (such as fatty alcohols, fatty acids, etc) and external lubricants (such as fatty and fatty amides, paraffin etc) and composite lubricant (such as metal SOAP calcium stearate, fatty acid soaps and fatty amides, etc).

The use of lubricants generally is 0.5%~1%, its selection should be noted as follows:
1 When the flow properties of polymer has meet forming process needs, the main consideration is the role of outer lubrication to guarantee both inside and outside balance.

2 Whether external lubrication is effective or not, the criteria is whether it can form a complete liquid films on plastic surface at forming temperature. Therfore, outer lubricants melting point should be close to molding temperature,  but a difference of 10~30 can form a complete film.

3 Do not reduce the mechanical strength and other physical properties of the polymer.

The most commonly used lubricants include stearic acid, butyl stearate, oleamide, formamide, ethylene bis stearamide, etc. OKCHEM also has lead stearate, plastic talc powder, calcium stearate, oleic acid (high-pure), barium stearate and so on. If you have interest in lubricants and other plastic raw materials, please click here for more!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/uses-lubricants-plastics-processing.html


Classification of light stabilizers

Light stabilizers is polymer products of additives, such as plastic, rubber, paint and ynthetic fibers. It has functions of shielding or absorbing UV energy, quenching of singlet oxygen, making hydrogen peroxide breaks down into non-active substances and so on. It makes polymer exclude or slow the possibility of photochemical reaction, block or delay light aging process under light irradiation. Therefore to reach the purpose of extending the life of polymer products.


The mechanism of light stabilizers can be divided into the following categories:

1 Light Shield Agent

This is a class of substances covered or reflected ultraviolet and make light cannot penetrate inside the polymer, thus it plays a role in protecting polymers. There are carbon black and titanium dioxide of inorganic pigments light shield agent, phthalocyanine blue and phthalocyanine green of organic pigments light shield agent in OKCHEM, but carbon black works best.

2 The UV Absorber

It can effectively absorb the ultraviolet wavelength of 290~410nm, but rarely absorb visible light, which itself has a good thermal and light stability. According to its chemical structure, it can be divided into O-diphenyl methyl ketone, benzo-triazole class, salicylic acid esters, triazine and replacing acrylonitrile class. As an auxiliary light stabilizer used with hindered light stabilizer together, especially in polyolefin or paint.

3 Free Radical Scavenger

These light stabilizers can capture activity free radical generated in the polymer, thus inhibiting oxidation processes to reach the goal of light stabilizer. It mainly hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS). It is the most promising new type of high efficiency light stabilizer. Its annual average growth rate is 20%~30% in the international.

4 Quenching Agents

It can accept energy absorbed by plastic chromophore, and spread the energy in the form of heat, fluorescent or phosphorescen, so as to protect the polymer from damaging of ultraviolet rays. It has a good effect on the stability of polymer and used in films and fibers.

5 Hydroperoxides Decomposers

It is a kind of hindered amine light stabilizers. During storage and processing, polymer to produce hydroperoxides. This results in oxidative degradation of polymer optical. Hydrogen peroxide decomposers that breaks down peroxides, generate stable nitrogen-oxygen free radicals, and further capture of free radicals, thus inhibiting degradation of polymers. If you have interest in light stabilizers, read more here!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/classification-light-stabilizers.html


Types of anti-settling agents

Anti-settling agents is a kind of paint rheology control agents. It makes the paints thixotropic, and the viscosity is greatly increased. Anti-settling agents played an important role in modern paints, it has a significant impact on the production, storage, painting and film performances of paint.

At present, the varieties of anti-settling agents has relatively complete and can basically meet the requirements of modern coatings. There are two directions for the development of anti-settling agents technology: improve the performance of existing product to enhance their use in coatings; development of new varieties to meet new demands of modern high performance coatings continually.

OKCHEM has types of anti-settling agents introduced as following:

1 Organic bentonite

Organic bentonite used as anti-settling agents and thickeners in coatings. Its mechanism of preventing precipitation is to change the system of rheological properties, so that it has thixotropic and prevent pigment settling. Depending on the circumstances, the add methods of organic modification bentonite are pre-gel addition and powder direct addition. No matter which method, it should give full play to the thickening effect of organic clay and must be fully activated. Currently, organic bentonite has a wide range of application. Add it to sulfonic vinyl chloride corrosion protective coatings, chlorinated rubber corrosion protective coatings, the results show that the coating good leveling and prolong the settling time of pigment. Organic modification of bentonite as an anti-settling agent applied to the coating can significantly improve the performance of coating, but it has many kinds of anti-settling agents due to its limitations of deep color, poor transparency, easy to produce brush marks and so on.

Polyolefin particles

The swelling and dispersion in non-polar solvents to make into gel. This can be used for coating rheological additives. It plays a role of anti-settling and sagging prevention especially baking sagging. Polyolefin particles can provide excellent pigment suspension without obvious thickening.

Fumed silica


Pyrogenic silica is an ideal anti-settling agents. Especially for the color system, suitably added will greatly improve the stability of color and can reduce the amount of wetting and dispersing additives. This improves the applicability of pastes and reduce the effects of color paste on coating systems precipitation. More detail and anti-settling agents will be added next time, if you have interest, please visit our website! here.
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/types-anti-settling-agents.html


Some of inorganic fillers

Fillers can be divided into organic fillers and inorganic fillers. The main purpose of fillers is to reduce the cost of plastic products. Other positive roles include improved products heat resistance, rigidity, hardness, size stability, creep resistance, abrasion resistance, flame retardant, elimination smoke and biodegradability, reduce forming shrinkage and improve the accuracy of products.

Here are some inorganic fillers in OKCHEM such as calcium carbonate, MICA, Kaolin, barium sulfate, Glass beads, clay, etc.

Because of low price, wide sources, nontoxic odorless, white color, easy colored, low hardness, high chemical stability,and other advantages, calcium carbonate has become the largest and most extensive fillers.

There are many kinds of mica, it has barrier effect to infrared of 7~25um wavelength. The daylight transmittance is higher than other filling materials, so it is most suitable for agriculture greenhouse warming during the day and night moisturizer. MICA commonly used in PVC、PP、PE、ABS and PA with dosage of 10%~40%.


Kaolinite is known as clay. But kaolin used as fillers need to pay special attention to water impact. Ordinary kaolin. Use calcined kaolin to improve the plastic insulation, add 10% calcined kaolin to PVC can improve 5~10 times of electrical insulation; take its advantage of barrier effect on wavelength of 7~25um infrared used for agriculture film thermos agent.

Surface gloss of barium sulphate filled composites is higher than other filling materials. Due to its high density to produce high density plastic products such as speakers, fishing nets and so on; take advantage of its ability to absorb x-rays and y-Ray to manufacture radiation-proof plastic products; used for the sound-absorbing and heat-conducting filler material.

Glass beads is typical lightweight fillers with smooth, spherical, hollow structures surface. Glass beads can be added to PP, PS, ABS, PE and PA. It is used for light-filled, heat insulation, sound insulation, shockproof modified products, as well as for optical products.

Clay is a general term for a class of materials. In addition to Kaolin, there are also Montmorillonite (MMT), attapulgite clay (TA), illite, sepiolite, hydroxyapatite (HA), etc. Such materials are natural Nano-material with good value.
If you have interest in inorganic fillers or organic fillers, please visit here!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/some-of-inorganic-fillers.html


The widely used organic silicone resin


One of the most prominent properties of organic silicone resin is its excellent thermo-oxidative stability. After heating at 250℃ for 24 hours, weightlessness of organic silicone is only 2%~8%, polycarbonate is 55.5%, polystyrene is 65.6%, epoxy resin is 22.7%; heating at 350℃ for 24 hours, weightlessness of organic resins for 70%~99%, while weight loss is of organic silicone resin is less than 20%.

Another outstanding performance of organic silicone resin is excellent electrical insulating properties, it maintains good insulating properties in a wide temperature and frequency range. Generally, breakdown strength of organic silicone resin is 50kVΠmm, volume resistance rate for 1013~1015 ω • cm, dielectric constant is 3 and dielectric loss angle tangent value is around 10-3.

The outstanding weathering resistance makes it strongly resistant to yellowing even under exposure to ultraviolet light, which is impossible to any other kind of organic resins.

This resin is mainly used as insulating varnishes (including varnishes, enamels, paints, varnish, etc) impregnation class h motor and transformer coil. Organic silicone insulating varnish bond with Mica can produce massive MICA insulating materials and used as insulation for high-voltage motor. Besides, silicone resin can also be used as heat-resistant, weather-resistant coating, metallic protective coating, building waterproof coatings, release agents, adhesives and secondary processing silicone plastic for electronic, electrical and defense industry. It also as a semiconductor packaging materials and insulation materials for electronics, electrical components, and so on.

Curing Crosslinking of silicon resin roughly has three ways:

1 Using hydroxy of silicon atomic for shrinking polymerization-Crosslinking to make joint and into mesh structure. This is the main way of silicon resin curing.

2 Use the vinyl attached to the silicon atoms, and organic peroxide is used as a catalyst, this is similar to vulcanization of silicone rubber

3 Use the vinyl and hydrogen connected to silicon atom to have addition reactions, such as solvent-free silicone resin mixed with foaming agent can produce foamed silicone resin.

Therefore, silicone resin according to its main uses and cross-linking methods can be broadly divided into organic silicone insulating paint, organic silicon coating, organic organic silicon plastic and organic silicone adhesives and other categories. OKCHEM has various organic silicone resins, and click here to get more news!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/widely-used-organic-silicone-resin.html


Nutrition enhancers and the roles

Nutrition enhancers can be divided into three categories:

1 Vitamins

According to solubility, there are water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins have vitamins A、D、E、K. And vitamins A and D are the vitamins that humans easy to lack and need to be fortified. Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin b complex, vitamin c and so on, and vitamin b, b, pp (niacin), and vitamin c need to be strengthened.

2 Minerals

It cannot be synthesized in the body, also it will not disappear in the metabolic process. But, there are certain amount of discharge from body everyday, so it needs from food supplements. Human body needs many different kinds of minerals, diet can meet the body's needs, only a few such as calcium, iron and iodine insufficient, particularly infants and young children, teenagers, pregnant women and nursing mothers are commonly lack of calcium and iron.

3 Amino Acids

There are nine essential amino acids needed supply from food when the human body cannot synthesize or inadequate synthesis quantity: Leucine, ISO-Leucine, lysine, methionine, phenyl alanine, threonine, and tryptophan, valine and Histidine. It mainly lack of lysine in cereal, and there is a less content of methionine in beans, milk and meat. Therefore, foods need to be strengthened mainly is lysine and methionine, may also include threonine and tryptophan.

Adding food nutrition enhancers in food not only can add natural nutritional deficiencies, but also improve the proportion of nutrients in food to satisfy nutritional needs. In addition, the use of food nutrition enhancers can supplement some nutrients specially, so as to achieve the purpose of special diets and health.


Food nutrition enhancers can not only enhance the nutritional quality of foods, but also reduce and prevent many nutritional deficiencies and other complications due to nutritional deficiency. Some food nutrition enhancers also play a role of food organoleptic quality and storage. If you have interest in nutrition enhancers and other food additives, please visit here!

Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/nutrition-enhancers-roles.html


What are the commonly used stabilizers

During molding and use process of plastics, the high polymer material will make molecular structure damaged due to effects of physical and chemical. Therefore, it makes polymers lose original properties, which is known as plastic aging. Stabilizer that can prevent or delay the aging of materials. Stabilizers include heat stabilizers, light stabilizers and antioxidants.

Heat Stabilizers

Heat stabilizers are mainly used in PVC resin. The development of heat stabilizer and the developments of PVC products are closely related. The role of heat stabilizer is to prevent or delay the decomposition of plastic in the processing or use. As there are many varieties, heat stabilizers can be divided into basic lead salts, metallic soaps, organic Tin, organic stabilizer and stabilizers according to the chemical structure.


Air oxygen has no impact on plastic at room temperature or in the dark, but oxidation in the presence of temperature or the light. It makes plastic color changed, decrease strength, crack and so on. Antioxidants are those that can inhibit or slow the oxidative degradation of the plastic material. Its role is to ensure the smooth progress of plastic molding and extend the life of products. According to the mechanism, antioxidants are divided into two categories: free radical inhibitors and peroxide decomposers. Free radical inhibitors are also known as the major antioxidant, mainly are hindered phenolics, antioxidant 264 is one of the most commonly used one. Antioxidant 2246, antioxidant 1010 are mainly for the resin of PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, ABS etc. Peroxide decomposers are also known as secondary antioxidant, represents variety is thio diacrylate esters, such as DLTP, DSTP. Secondary antioxidants include thio ester and phosphite esters also, the main varieties are TPP, TNP, ODP, etc, which is mainly used in polyolefin resins.

Light Stabilizers


Plastics will aging rapidly under the sunshine, high energy γ-ray irradiation, it becomes brittle, cracked, yellowed or loss surface shine, etc. Meanwhile, the mechanical and electrical properties significantly decreases so that it finally could not be used. Light stabilizer that can shield ultraviolet or UV absorption, then convert it into harmless heat energy, so as to inhibit and delay the ageing process of plastic products in the sunlight of the material. According to its its mechanism, it can be divided into the following four categories: UV absorbers, pioneer-UV absorbers, quenching, light shield agents. If you have interest in plastics stabilizers or other plastic raw materials, please click here for more!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/commonly-used-stabilizers.html


The main antioxidants of plastic

Most industry organic materials whether natural or synthetic are prone to oxidation, such as plastics, fibers, rubber, adhesives, fuel oils, lubricating oils, as well as food and feed. And oxygen reaction material would lose their beneficial properties. But adding antioxidant can try to prevent the occurrence of oxidation. This is an effective , convenient and without changing the existing production process method.


1 Hindered phenolic antioxidant

It is a compounds has substituent on one or both sides of the-OH groups. In the case of hindered phenolic antioxidant existence, a peroxide radical (ROO •) take a Protons from polymer (RH •), interrupting this series of free radical reactions, which is the control steps of auto-oxidation. It is more likely to provide proton than the polymer when adding hindered phenolic antioxidant, which provide a more favourable reaction forming phenols of oxygen free radicals. This makes polymer is relatively stable and no further oxidation.

2 Phosphorus class of antioxidants

Phosphorus-containing antioxidant mainly is phosphite esters. Phosphite as hydrogen peroxide decomposers and free radical scavenger play an antioxidant role in plastic. In recent years also found that phosphite structure have direct effect on its antioxidant properties.

Improving hydrolytic stability remains the focus topics of phosphite antioxidant development. Currently, the focuses development of phosphite esters antioxidant are increase hydrolytic stability, polymer quantization, and primary and secondary composite antioxidant.

Phosphite esters antioxidants are the main species of polyolefin processing auxiliary antioxidant, they used with a hindered phenolic antioxidants can improve the polyolefin resin processing stability, thermal stability, etc. Numerous advantages of phosphite esters antioxidant makes it become polyolefin good versatility ancillary antioxidant.

3 Low pollution compound antioxidant of phenol esters

Compound antioxidant with high antioxidant activity and low volatile, it is especially suitable for high-temperature processing. Therefore, this chemical is excellent antioxidant and hydrolysis stabilizer for plastics. The development of low pollution combined antioxidant phenol ester is very active in recent years. This not only reduces the cost, but also extend antioxidant life of polymer. And here will add more next time, if you have interest in Plastic raw materials such as antioxidants products, please click here for more, hope this can help you!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/main-antioxidants-plastic.html


Antioxidants of plastic raw materials

Plastic as an important material in everyday life and its areas of application have been broadened. However, whether natural or synthetic polymer materials, they are easy occurred oxidation reaction and make the materials fading, yellowing, hardness, cracks, loss of gloss or transparent, etc, then it leads to significantly reducing of physical properties such as anti-impact strength, resistance around bending strength, tensile strength and elongation rate. These effect the normal using of plastic products.

Currently, the suitable measures to slow the oxidation of polymers are improvement of polymer chemical structure and add antioxidants. Among them, adding antioxidant is the most simple and general method to polymer stabilized treatment.
Antioxidants are the degradation additives that inhibit or delay the polymer by atmospheric oxygen or ozone. It is the most widely used plastic additives.

Plastic additives according to their chemical structure can be classified as amines, phenol, sulphur-containing compounds, phosphorus-containing compounds, organic metal salts, and so on. Amine additives are mainly used for the rubber industry, and the production of phenylenediamine and Keto amine are maximum; phenolic antioxidants are mainly hindered phenolic, which grow faster than amine antioxidant. It's mainly used in rubber and light plastic. Phenolic antioxidant and amine antioxidant are primary antioxidant, while sulfur and phosphite esters antioxidants belonging to secondary antioxidants, it can generate synergies if use with phenolic antioxidants, and it mainly used for polyolefin.

Take two antioxidants from OKCHEM as an example - antioxidant 1010 and antioxidant 1076.

Classification of antioxidants, one is the major antioxidant: capture the peroxide radicals, mainly is hindered phenolic antioxidant; primary anti-space hindered phenolic, 1010,1076 belong to this class. By capturing the free radicals produced during the plastic-degrading then long-term sustainability play its anti oxidation role.


One is secondary antioxidant: decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, mainly are phosphite esters, thio ester. Supported anti-phosphite esters and thio-lipids, 168 belongs to phosphite esters of secondary resistance, through the decomposition of plastics to further degradation of peroxides produced by oxidation resistance so as to achieve the purpose, it main to provider of thermal processing stability; the use of primary and secondary resistance against together can have synergistic effects.
Generally, according to all the manufacturer's production process and materials, solvents, additives, fillers, stages of the yellow, yellow degree, it recommends using different antioxidant.

Antioxidant 1010 and antioxidant 1076 are both hindered phenolic antioxidants, but the effectively functional group of 1010 is four times of 1076. Its usage mainly consider the later compatibility with resin and processing conditions. If you have interest in antioxidants, please click here now!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/antioxidants-plastic-raw-materials.html


Use and classification of natural adhesives

By raw materials source, adhesive can be divided into natural adhesive and synthesis adhesive. Characteristics of natural adhesives are:

1. Easy to get raw materials, taken directly from nature;
2. Low price;
3. The production process is simple;
4. Easy to use;
5. Mostly are low toxicity or no toxicity;
6. Degradation does not pollute.
Natural adhesives are different from inorganic adhesive. General organic adhesives can withstand the high temperatures usually below 100 ℃. For example, LaTeX is below 60 ℃, epoxy resin is around 100 ℃, phenolic resin is about 220 ℃, while inorganic adhesives can withstand the high temperature of 600-900 degrees.

Natural adhesives can be classified into plant adhesives, animal adhesives and minerals adhesives according to the source of natural substances. Plant adhesives includs gum class, resins, natural rubber, starch and cellulose; soy protein, tannin, lignin and other adhesives made from carbohydrates; animal adhesives include adhesives made from chitin, gelatin, shellac, etc; mineral adhesive includes adhesives made of silicates, phosphates, etc. Classified by the chemical structure, natural adhesives have glucose derivatives, derivatives of amino acids and other natural resins.

Vegetable gum in industrial can be used as thickener of oil well fracturing fluid, flocculant of GEO drilling fluids, catalysts of petroleum refining, processing operations of flocculants and filter aid, paper industrial additives, reinforcements for ceramic industry, new paint for battery manufacturing, binder of building materials and fractory material, thickeners or stabilizers of food industry and so on.

Animal glue is mainly used for industrial adhesive, emulsifier and Emulsion stabilizer, flocculant during mineral processing, paper and sizing agent in the textile industry, plate-making and manufacture of rollers for printing industry, food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics production. Modern development of micro-capsule technology is new application field of animal glue.

Mineral gel including adhesives made of silicates, phosphates and others. Such as phalt adhesive, wax adhesive, sulfur adhesives, diabase adhesives and so on.

Because of it's abundant, low cost, low toxicity, natural adhesives are widely used in furniture, binding, packaging and artwork process. As its unique advantage of environmental pollution-free, natural adhesives will have good prospects in the adhesive market. If you have interest in adhesives products, please visit https://www.okchem.com to get more!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/use-classification-natural-adhesives.html