
Xanthan Gum and its substitute

What is Xanthan Gum

As a high viscosity water-soluble polymer, xanthan gum is a multifunctional food additive with many excellent physicochemical properties. Xanthan gum used as a common food additive such as thickeners, suspension agent, emulsifier and stabilizer in food industry with E number E 415.

Its rheological properties make the juice have good perfusion and give the beverage refreshing characteristic. E415 food additive can be completely dissolved under low pH value, and the low concentration solution can effectively keep the flavor, concentration, taste and organization of the suspended pulp products stability for a long time.

Xanthan gum E415 can improve the taste of fruit and chocolate drinks. Low concentrations xanthan gum solution can play a stabilizing role in low pH value as well as can be compatible with a variety of other ingredients (including ethanol) in beverages. At the same time, its stable effect is better than other gums. It has strong thermal stability, therefore general high temperature sterilization has no effect on it. Also, this food additive can be used for a variety of cold drinks, juice drinks, pulp beverages, instant solid drinks, etc., the dosage is 0.1%~0.4%. However, is xanthan gum the only option?

Guar Gum

Guar Gum: a Replacement for Xanthan Gum

Xanthan gum usually derived from a variety of sources such as corn, wheat, or soy. People with an allergy to one of the above, need to avoid foods with xanthan gum, or to ascertain the source. Guar gum can be used to substitute for gluten in baking to render the dough springy and light. Due to its ability to attract water and thicken and bind gluten-free ingredients.

Guar gum is made from the ground endosperm of the guar bean. Once the seeds are dehusked and ground, they are sieved to obtain the guar gum, which is a whitish powder. Guar gum is also a hydrocolloid and is a polysaccharide composed of sugars called mannose and galactose.

The food industry is the largest market for guar gum. In the U.S., differing percentages are set for its allowable concentration in various food applications. Guar gum has EU food additive code E412 in Europe.

Guar gum has about eight times the thickening ability of cornstarch, so it can be used to alternative to flour to thicken sauces. It has similar properties to xanthan gum, as it can also be used as an emulsifier to help oil and vinegar combine, and as a stabilizer to prevent particles from settling in a liquid.

Besides food industry, guar gum also used in textile, paper, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. The substitute ingredients can be Agar Agar, Gelatin, etc. OKCHEM will introduce these substitutes later!

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What is E405 Food Additive?



What is E405 Food Additive?

Propylene glycol alginate (PGA) with E number 405 is used as thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier in food products. This food additive is also called hydroxypropyl alginate, propane 1,2-diol alginate, or E405. Its appearance is white to yellowish brown filamentous, grainy, granular or powder. PGA is an ester of alginic acid and is obtained from algae.

Uses of Propylene Glycol Alginate
Propylene glycol alginate is used in foods such as jellies and jams, ice cream and salad dressing. The food additive propylene glycol is generally regarded safe (not to be confused with ethylene glycol, which is extremely toxic if ingested) according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As propylene glycol alginate barely includes gluten impurity, so it is gluten free and widely used in gluten free food to provide stronger texture to salad dressing and fast food. What's more, PGA can be used as beer foam stabiliser to improve the performance of bubble in brewery industry.

Propylene Glycol Alginate (PGA) E405.jpg

Side Effects of Propylene Glycol Alginate (PGA)
According the FDA, propylene glycol food additive is metabolized in the body and is used as a normal carbohydrate source. Large quantity uses of propylene glycol alginate could lead to irritation, nausea, coughing and wheezing. It is suggested that newborns, children, pregnant women consult professionals before using. Long-term and proper use of propylene glycol (up to five percent of the total food intake) can be consumed without causing toxicity.

Is Propylene Glycol Alginate Halal?
Propylene glycol alginate is a plant derived ingredient, so it is a halal ingredient that can be used in food and beverage. The manufacturing process is pig-free and its raw materials (or culture medium) are algin and propylene glycol. PGA is an ester of alginic acid. Pure alcohol may be applied in manufacturing of propylene glycol alginate, but alcohol will be fully removed from the final product. Read more here!


E471 Food Emulsifier

Food additive emulsifier E471 is composed of two molecules known as glyceryl monostearate and glyceryl distearate. This emulsifier is mainly produced from vegetable oils, but it may be contained in either animal fats or soy bean oil. E471 emulsifier can be found in various foods such as cakes, ice cream, hot-chocolate mix, shaped crisps, pies and so on.

Glycerol monostearate

Glycerol monostearate, or GMS for short, is an organic molecule used as an emulsifier. GMS is a food additive used as a thickening, emulsifying, anti-caking, and preservative agent, also is found in fatty foods. GMS is used in food, cosmetics as emulsifier and surfactant, in transparent PVC aggregate as a lubricant; it gives ice cream and whipped cream smooth texture. This additive does not affect the taste of ice cream, margarine or mayonnaise.

Is E471 halal or haram?

Food additive E471 could come from vegan or animal origin, as animal fats are sometimes used so it cannot be completely excluded. So people need to check the ingredient with the supplier periodically to determine which source they used for each product.

As E471 may come from animal sources, this is not suitable for vegetarians, vegans, or for those who are following a halal diet. As a result, they need to check the ingredient in the food packaging or choose vegetarian-friendly products.

Side Effects of E471

Index "E" refers to the fact that the chemical ingredients in line with European quality systems. E471 food additive is widely used in food industry. It is safe for human body because they are easily absorbed by the body. Read more!


Uses of E920 Food Additive

L-Cysteine is a semi-essential amino acid derived from proteins, including animal protein and hair. As a food additive, it has the E number E920. As an amino acid, cysteine enters the body in two ways: one is through cysteine-containing foods; the other is through a metabolic pathway that converts the amino acid methionine to S-adenosyl methionine, on to homocysteine which then reacts with serine and forms cysteine. Also, L-cysteine may be broken down into the amino acid taurine and molecule glutathione.

Sources of E920 Food Additive

L-cysteine can be found in high-protein animal and plant sources, including poultry, pork, dairy, eggs, red peppers, brussels sprouts, onions, garlic , wheat germ, oats and so on.

Under normal physiological conditions, cysteine can usually be synthesized by the human body if a sufficient quantity of methionine is available. Although L-cysteine can be made in the body, people with malabsorption disorders may not be able to make it. To low level of L-cysteine, dietary sources may be supplemented with N-acetyl-L-cysteine for additional health benefits.

Benefits of L-Cysteine Food Additive

L-cysteine is an important antioxidants that help to ward off cancer by decreasing the incidence of cell mutation. Cysteine used as a dietary supplement is available both as L-cysteine hydrochloride and N-acetyl-cysteine, the latter of which is thought to be more soluble and better able to be metabolized by the body. It is also benefit for cardiovascular health, hair health, bowel health of patients with colitis and overall well-being. Cysteine can be medicine alternative when consumed both in foods and as a dietary supplement.

Uses of L-Cysteine E920

Cysteine (mainly the L-enantiomer) is a precursor in the food, pharmaceutical and personal-care industries, and flavors production is one of the largest application. Cysteine plays a role in preventative or antidote for some of the negative effects of alcohol, including liver damage and hangover.

L-cysteine is an important building block of hair. Sheep need cysteine to produce wool; Human all have a set amount of L-cysteine allotted for hair types.

As E920 may be obtained from various human or animal sources, including pork. It should thus be avoided by Muslims, Jews, Hindus and vegans, Kosher, Halal or Vegetarian.

N-acetyl-L-cysteine is most likely safe when used properly, however some unwanted side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation may occur. It may cause allergic reactions with symptoms such as rashes, fever, headache, low blood pressure, headache and drowsiness. Currently, there is no link to harm of fetus or mother when pregnant. It's better to discuss with a physician to determine whether this supplement is appropriate for you.
