
Many uses of softener

The requirements to softener are as follows:

1 with excellent softness, smoothness, fluffy

2 little influence on the whiteness of the fiber and fabric, as well as dyeing fastness

3 the working fluid has a reasonably stability during the processing of various soft conditions (impregnation, padding, changes in temperature, PH, etc)

4 after softening finishing of fibers and fabrics is not suitable for heat discoloration, it should not have colour, odour and texture changes during storage

5 if the softener is emulsion, the emulsion stability to better

6 no adverse effects after skin contact, in line with the requirements of environmental protection

7 according to different requirements, they should have appropriate absorption capacity, water repellent and anti-static properties

Use of softener


Softening agent in the application can use the padding method, exhaust dyeing method. Sometimes in the dye bath and dye at the same time; sometimes , it is added after the dye over and cooled, also it is added in the cleaning bath.

During soft processing, effective ingredients of fiber general is controlled in 0.5~7.0%, processing of temperature makes cation soft agent easy adsorption, due to the big polar of fiber and the soft agent basic raw materials. So when it controlled in 70 ℃ around, anion softener is on the contrary to cation system, then it is difficult adsorbed by fibers. Non-ion softener is not influenced by processing temperature, so soft processing can be handled at room temperature.

Acrylic fibers containing anion radicals, so it usually by dyeing with cationic dyes. Generally they are treated by cationic softener, so it has little effect on color. Meanwhile, as the fibers with anionic radicals, softeners have good adhesion.

Cellulose fibers, such as treated by direct dyes and anionic brightener. Many factories are using anionic softeners to avoid affecting color. But when the cotton fibers dye with a solid dye such as restore, curing and active dye, cationic softener treatment available. Softeners should be carefully selected to avoid yellowing and seriously affect the absorption capacity. If you have interest, read more here, thanks! Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/many-uses-softener.html


