
Develop of halogen-free flame retardant

With the rapid development of science and technology, synthetic polymer materials such as plastic, rubber, fiber has come up. Most polymer composed of carbon, hydrogen, but their highly flammable brings a lot fire hazard to people's life. Therefore, the requirements to polymer material flame retardant also highlight. Add effective flame retardant is a more common method.

Flame retardant is divided into halogen flame retardant and halogen free flame retardant. Halogen-containing flame retardants that contain Cl, Br and f elements. Halogen-free flame retardant includes phosphorus series flame retardants, inorganic flame retardant magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, zinc Borate, etc. Besides, halogen-free flame retardants include intumescent flame retardant and a number of special purpose fire retardant.

There are wide range of halogen-free flame retardant, they are mainly inorganic and organic flame retardants. Currently, consumption of halogen-free flame retardant in industry mainly are phosphorus (phosphonic) acid (includes halogen-containing derivative), zinc Borate, hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, red phosphorus and antimony trioxide and so on.


Halogen-free flame retardant is one of the fastest growing material additives. The function of this product is to enable the non-fire-retardant materials with flame retardant properties. It does not burn easily or self-extinguishing under certain conditions. As halogen-free flame retardant technology advances, there are more and more kinds of halogen-free flame retardant. and its performance has been significantly improved.

Nowadays, the function of halogen-free flame retardant can be divided into two types: one is slow down the fire and stop the fire from spreading, by way of multiple function principle suppress the combustion reaction; the other is let the surface rapid foaming expanding and carbonation to form a protective.

From the perspective of overall trends on the international world of flame retardant product performance requirements become more stringent. Now, the main development trend of non-halogen flame retardant as follows: non-halogenated; halogen-free flame retardant ultrafine; halogen-free flame retardant surface treatment; study of halogen-free flame retardant system synergies. More details will be added next time. If you have interest, please click here!

Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/develop-halogen-free-flame-retardant.html


