
Five Leading Phosphates Manufacturers In China

Five Leading Phosphates Manufacturers In China

1. OEM

2. Guangxi Mingli Chemicals Co., Ltd

3. Jiangsu Chengxing Phosph-Chemicals Co.,Ltd

4. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd.

5. Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group Co., Ltd.

6. Jiangsu Chengxing Phosph-Chemicals Co.,Ltd

The distribution of phosphorus resources in China is concentrated in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hubei. From the market point of view, commodity circulation in the market is still dominated by thermal phosphoric acid. Food-grade phosphoric acid (additive E338) is thermal processed. Wet-processed phosphoric acid has a series of advantages such as low energy consumption, small pollution, low cost and small impact on energy price fluctuation. It can produce phosphates after refining.

phosphoric acid

At present, wet-process phosphoric acid is generally associated with and mostly used for fertilizer production. With the rapid development of the global wet-processed phosphoric acid market, the demand for wet-processed phosphoric acid is higher and more volatile. Chinese key technology and equipment of wet process phosphoric acid refining have made great breakthroughs in recent years, therefore the quality of refined phosphoric acid has been comparable with that of thermal process phosphoric acid.

The recent Chinese environmental regulations caused great pressure on small and medium size enterprises and the yellow phosphorus industry. China's sales revenue of phosphate fertilizer industry reached 76.2 billion yuan in 2011, the year-on-year growth of 52.45%, industrial output value of 70.6 billion yuan, the year-on-year growth of 57.65%, production and marketing scale of growth has reached the highest level of history; China's phosphate fertilizer industry sales revenue was 85.322 billion yuan in 2012, year-on-year growth of 11.95%, industrial output value of 79.914 billion yuan, year-on-year growth of 13.19%.

Since Chinese environmental protection team started their work in Sichuan in early August, phosphoric acid price has risen. The phosphoric acid plants in Sichuan Province was discontinued for one months due to the inspection of environmental protection group. Manufacturers tentative restart at the end of August.
OKCHEM will release market analysis of yellow phosphorus.

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