
Inorganic pigments in the industry

Almost all inorganic pigments are compounds and they are usually complex mixtures, , in which metal is a part of the molecule. As the global economy recovers, building materials, paint, plastic, ink and other industries have seen rapid growth, the demand of inorganic pigments is increasing rapidly. Along with the rapid development of coatings industry, as one of its main raw materials of inorganic pigments have enjoyed great development, such as titanium dioxide and iron oxide take a large percentage.

Research report about China coatings market and investment strategy in recent years, the pigments manufacturers‘ orders increased, price fluctuations is frequent, local supply is tight. China as a producer of inorganic pigments, the total annual production of titanium dioxide, iron oxides, chromium pigment lead the highest in the world. It is understood green inorganic pigments showed a growth trend of the volume and price in 2012, as well as in 2013. For this reason, inorganic pigments enterprise should advance the core competitiveness bases on scientific and technological innovation for the brand to make new contributions to environmental change.

Inorganic pigments are non-ferrous oxide or insoluble metal salts of some metals. Inorganic pigments are divided into natural inorganic and inorganic pigments, natural inorganic pigments are mineral pigments. Humans have a long history in using inorganic pigments. Smoke black, chalk, clay, natural iron oxide has been used as pigments since prehistoric times. Around 200 BC, China refined vermilion (HgS) as pigments. 1704 Germany Diesbach invented manufacturing method of color pigment Prussian blue (a blue pigment, main ingredient Fe4 "Fe (CN) 6" 3 • xH2O). 1809 France L.-N. made chrome Vauclin, 1831 France I.B. JI May built a plant near Lyon to manufacture Ultramarine, 1874 the United Kingdom Austria's zinc company-owned Widnes factories manufactured zinc barium White. Titanium pigments (including TiO225%) in 1916 and pure titanium dioxide (Titania) in 1923 put into production, which lead the pigment production levels to advance one step further.

Tendency of research and development of new inorganic pigments in recent years are:
a. Develop complex pigments, such as light blue (CoO • Cr2O3• Al2O3), titanium-nickel yellow (TiO2 • NiO• Sb2O3) and so on. Add oxides of chromium, cobalt, iron and zinc to the titanate of nickel and antimony can make low toxicity to nontoxic pigments, and the pigments are yellow, green, blue, Brown with high temperature resistance, durability, bright and excellent performance. It can be used for building materials, paint, plastics coloring, etc.
b. Develop surface treatment technology of pigment particle, form a layer of color film on the inorganic compounds or organic pigment particle surface. It can change the pigment particle surface properties, improve light resistance, heat resistance, wetting properties and expand applications and improve value.
c. Manufacture machining pigments, users can use directly and save a lot of abrasive costs. Click here to get more!


Organic pigments industry

Organic pigments have wide varieties. There are four commonly used classifications:

1. Classified by different color spectrum: pigments are divided into yellow, orange, red, purple, Brown, blue, green pigments, etc

2. Classified by objects application: pigments are divided into paints and coatings special used pigments, ink special used pigments, plastics and rubber special used pigments, cosmetics special used pigments and so on.

3. Classified by the functional of pigment: pigments are divided into ordinary paint, fluorescent paint, Pearl paint, color pigment and so on.

4. Classified by chromophore of pigments molecules: they can be roughly divided into azo pigments and non-azo-pigments two categories.

Colored pigment is divided into inorganic pigments and organic pigments. Organic pigments have more bright colors, higher color strength and transparency than inorganic pigments. Most organic pigments varieties have little toxicity. Low-grade variety of organic pigments are inferior to inorganic pigments in light fastness, weather fastness, heat resistance and solvent resistance. In most organic pigments, blue and green phthalocyanine pigments are cheap and strong fastness, yellow, red and purple organic pigments have great resistance pigments and very high prices.

However, high grade organic pigments not only has excellent light fastness, weather fastness and heat and solvent resistance, but also superior to inorganic pigments in acid and alkali resistance.
The advantage of organic pigments are clear, bright color, strong stain, low density, non-toxic, but some varieties are often not as good as inorganic pigments in light resistance, heat resistance, solvent resistance and resistance to migration.

Organic pigment industry in our country at present is still in transition to large-scale development, along with the rapid development of China's economy, its development momentum is getting better. This also benefited from an intermediate production scale, the continuous improvement of the quality, wide variety and some high-performance organic pigment intermediates have been put into commercial production. China Organic pigment production and import-export economy is in good condition in 2006, it has 182600 tons of annual production of organic pigments, and grew 16.6% compared with the previous year.

Organic pigments as a branch of a wide variety of dyes. The classification according to their molecular structure containing a particular chromophoric or functional groups are often divided into azo pigments, Phthalocyanine pigments, high performance organic pigments and other kinds of organic pigment. Among them, the production of Azo pigment is the largest one, then is Phthalocyanine pigment.Click here!


Development of dye industry

China total production of dye industry is 917,200t in 2014, it is 70% of total world production, which 78.15% products are mainly used for consumption in the domestic market. Now, Chinese dyestuff industry basically reaches balance of supply and demand. In 2014, domestic high-end dyes increase, import demand decrease.

According to customs statistics, the national dyes import 25100 tones from January to September in 2014. Among them, the sulfur dyes and sulphur black reduced more.

With the rapid development of economic in recent years, the optimize of the industrial structure is also apparent in the textile industry in China, and three end-product consumption structure of fiber are more reasonable. In 2011, the percentage of fiber consumption of three end products in clothing, household and industrial is 49:30:21. Application of dyestuffs in China has a rapid expand, the demand increased rapidly in home textile, automotive interiors, industrial textile market areas, and so on. For textiles and fabrics in these areas, certain aspects of the staining requirement is particularly high, such as curtains, automotive interiors for dye fastness requirements are very stringent. As a result, some niche specialization of dye products market will develop rapidly, they will access to a broader market spaces with the rise of home textile, automobile Interior textiles market.

China dyestuff exports mainly in South-East Asia, disperse dye is the main export dye. 95,000 tons disperse dye are exported in 2005, ranking first in the various types of dyes. This shows China disperse dyes in the international market has a strong competitive. At present, the dye quality and variety still has a gap compared with developed countries.

In order to adapt to the international market situation and change the disadvantage in the market competition, the dyes company all over the world are more focused on research and development of dye. Environmental protection issues have become the focus of world attention, States increasingly high standards for environmental protection, for some carcinogenic dyes and allergic dyes have been banned or restricted production and application, and are actively looking for alternative species.

Especially American and European countries have passed stringent product standards. This trend for dyestuffs in China to compete in the international market on the one hand put forward higher requirements; on the other, the banned low-end products provide a broader market spaces for environmental protection and other competitive products. More information, please click here!


Types of coatings

Powder coating is a type of 100% solid powder coating does not contain solvents. With features of solvent-free, pollution-free, recyclable, environmental protection, energy saving and resources, reduce labor intensity and high mechanical strength of coating film. It is made of special resins, pigments and fillers, curing agent and other additives mixed with a certain proportion, then hot extrusion, crushing and screening technology. They have stable storage at room temperature. The decorative and corrosion purpose is achieved by the electrostatic spray coating, friction coating (thermoset) or fluidized bed coating (thermoplastic), reheating baked melting and solidification to make it into a smooth and bright permanent coating.

The main effects of coatings are as follows: it has anti-corrosion protective function during the use of the material in the procession, increase surface hardness, and improve its properties such as wear resistance and resistance to injury; it can increase the surface color and luster, modify the surface roughness and defects, improve the appearance quality of goods and its commodity value; in additional, it has insulation, stain resistant, anti-bacterial, anti-mildew, damp, fire retardant and temperature, conductive, magnetic, radiation, anti-static, stealth and other special functions.

Low-pollution is the trend of coatings. Waterborne coatings can reduce volatile organic compound. It has the advantage of low pollution and clean process. Special functions of waterborne coatings are light transmittance, flexible, abrasion resistance, excellent adhesion, nonpoisonous, harmless and pollution-free; waterborne anticorrosion coating are durability, gloss and color retention and performance; the solvent emissions of high solids coating are greatly reduced, as well as fast curing, acid and alkali resistance, good abrasion resistance.

The ingredients of decorative coating consists of three parts:
Main film material: also known as adhesive and fixing agents, it is the basis of coating
Minor film-forming substances are also form part of the film, but they can not leave the main film substance to constitute film alone.
Assisted film-forming substances include solvents and auxiliary materials. Gasoline, cigarettes, perfumes, etc belong to solvents; the curing agent, emulsifier, thickening agent, rinse, wetting agent, dispersant, defoamer, initiator, catalysts, stabilizers, antioxidant, antifreeze, etc belong to auxiliary materials.Read more!

Chemicals for varies uses

Chemicals are crucial in every aspect of our daily lives. Since chemicals are actually needed in all industries, the global need for chemicals is obviously. They are used in different fields, for example, the production of pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, textile chemicals, etc.

Some chemicals are manufactured and developed from raw materials. Some chemicals are found in fuels, dyes, coatings, cosmetics, lubricants, additives, insulators and so on. By the way, and they can be solid, liquid or gas. Various types of chemicals which are produced by industries for various applications or demand. In recent years, there has been a huge rise in demand for them.

The need for chemicals is large, so the requirement for highly regarded manufacturers is also large. Chemical suppliers in China make it a point that they meet standards imposed by the government regarding operation and quality control of their products. Nowadays, suppliers can easily found by searching the phone directory or browsing the web. Facing to the growing competition of chemical industry worldwide, manufacturers must first meet the quality standards and follow the right labeling, packaging; suppliers with a good track record provide qualified chemicals and shipping and delivery; legislations ensure that chemical manufacturers and suppliers adhere to state policies regarding packaging, labeling, and distribution.

Safety is top priority. Manufacture and dealing with chemicals are considered vital to the global economy. Many precautionary measures on handling chemicals are needed. Because many chemicals are hazardous to people. Labels, manuals, certifications and packaging are required, chemical effects on health and the environment should be wary.

Different people buy chemicals for varies uses. Coating raw materials are applied to the surface of a substrate mainly for decoration, cosmetics to make a person look more attractive or presentable, the textile industry uses lots of chemicals, food additives are chemicals added to foods to enhance their colour, flavour or texture. The application of chemicals have truly benefited mankind in many ways.
Whatever their reasons are for buying chemicals, people should look for a chemical supplier that provides good quality products and has reliable delivery system. To learn more about the uses and functions of chemicals, you can visit us at OKCHEM.com.

Uses of VAT dye in dyeing

In the process of competition with transnational corporations, China dyestuffs industry earlier access to development trend of green, learn to deal with green legislation and policy. Comparison with the General chemical products, dye composition of the product is more complex, many components of dye products are more than one. Companies need to focus on the dye composition of products, namely dyes components structural, purity and additives usage.

VAT dye has a long history, restore blue RSN is found in 1904, today it is important cotton dye category used for manufacture Cellulose fiber and senior products or functional products. With fast development of economy, the consumption is diversify, so the requirements to textiles are functional, comfortable and fashion.

Compared with reactive dyes, VAT dye has excellent of resistance chlorine fastness and washing fastness. In addition, VAT dyes are suitable for the needs of highest levels of wet fastness of textiles dyeing and printing. VAT dyes has very good stability, and VAT dyeing of fabrics are more stable by the time change than the reactive dyes fabrics. Fabrics used VAT dyeing can show natural plants color and European-style features on the basis of bold shades, such as Indigo dyes and VAT dyes direct printing dyeing cloth for washing (stone wash, bleach, etc), it can manufacture textiles with very intuitive clear and natural plants tone.

VAT dyes molecular do not contain water dissolved group, so they are not dissolved in water. It main used for fiber dyeing, such as cotton, wool, stick rubber and so on. The wet processing fastness of dyeing fabric is good, most dyes have high of resistance sun fastness. They are widely used high-grade dyes in all kinds of dye goods at present. VAT dye molecular contains at least two Carbonyl in conjugate system.

Currently the market supply VAT dye formulations have super micro-formulations or Colloisol formulations, super fine powder formulations and fine powder formulations. China super micro-formulations VAT dye is made by new technology and specific formula, it is named for SM type restore dye. Now it has more than 20 varieties. From the analysis of suspension padding process requirements, super micro-formulations VAT dye is the most appropriate one; considered from dip dyeing, although these three can be used, but the leveling effects of super micro-formulations VAT dye is the best. Besides, super micro-dispersion of liquid VAT dye has been developed in abroad, it is suitable for printing of cotton fabrics. Click here to read more!


Something about dyes

Dye is the substance that is able to make fibers and other materials coloring. Dyes are colored substances, but color material is not necessarily a dye. Dye is able to make a certain color attached to the fibers of the material, and they are usually soluble in water, some dyes require a mordant agent to make a dye adhered on fiber. Archaeological data shows that dyeing technology has over 5,000 years of history in the Middle East and India. But that time of dye came from the flora and fauna or minerals with very little processing.

In 1856, Perkin invented the first synthetic dye purple ponytail to make the organic chemistry identified a new discipline - chemical dyes. In the 1950s, Pattee and Stephen found that dye contains Dichloro-triazine groups bonded with the hydroxyl groups of fibers in alkaline conditions. It marked dyes make fibers colored development from physics process to chemical processes, creating a synthesis application time of reactive dyes. Dyes are not only used in the dyeing and printing of textiles, but also applied to paint, plastic, leather, optical communications, food and many other sectors.

Dyes can be divided into the following categories according to application:

1. Direct dye Such dyes and fibers combined with Vanderbilt and hydrogen bonding between molecules, molecules containing sulfonic acid groups, carboxyl and soluble in water. It exsit in water as anionic form, and can make fiber dyed directly.

2. Acid dyes In acidic medium, the dyes molecules containing sulfonic acid groups, carboxyl and amino of protein fibers bonding by ionic. It mainly for the protein fibers (wool, silk, leather) staining.

3. Disperse dyes Small soluble and using dispersants to make hydrophobic fibers (polyester, nylon, etc) staining.

4. VAT dyes VAT dyes are divided into insoluble and soluble two kinds. Insoluble dye can vat into soluble in alkaline solution, oxidation to make the dyeing resumed its insoluble in fibers, then the fibers coloring. Soluble do not need the restore step. This dye is mainly used for dyeing and printing of cellulose fibers.

5. Reactive dyes Dye molecules exist groups that can have chemical reactions with of hydroxyl and amino of fiber molecules. Mainly used for dyeing of cotton, linen, synthetic fiber, as well as the colouring of the protein fibers.

6. Cationic dyes Used for the dyeing of acrylic fibers. It often incorporated into the basic dye class.

7. Azoic dyes It is a insoluble azo dye. It is dyed in freezing conditions(0-5℃). Click here to get more!


Solvent dye in Chemicals

Dye refers to the substances that can make other substances get colors, such as fibers. In ancient time, paint is extracted from plants and animals. China is one of the first countries to use natural dyes. Indigo, alizarine and Carmine are the earliest application of natural dyes in ancient China. Modern industrial production of organic dyes are for more than 100 years of history. First synthetic aniline purple dye was synthesised by United Kingdom chemist Perkin in 1856, which used for dyeing of wool and silk. Germany chemist invented VAT blue (the so-called Indanthrene blue RS) in 1901, and in 1956 there was reactive dyes.

Since the 60 's, with the appearance of synthetic fibers, the development of various types of dyes are promoted. There are more than 1000 kinds of dye applied into use so far, they are and almost completely replaced natural dyes. Dyes are classified into azo dyes, carbonyl dyes, reactive dyes, aromatic methane dye and phthalocyanine dyes according to the structure; dyes can also classified into acid dyes, direct dyes, solvents dyes and VAT dyes, disperse dyes, etc according to the application methods.

Solvent dye itself is not soluble in water but soluble in oil or organic of Los agent dye. Solvent dye can be divided into oil soluble and alcohol-soluble two broad categories. Dyeing fastness is one of the most important quality of dyed finished products. Low dyeing fastness is easily color faded, high dyeing fastness is contrary. Dyeing fastness largely depends on its chemical structure. In addition, dyes on the fiber of physical condition, the degree of dispersion dye, dyeing method, etc also have a significant impact.

As to the solvent pigment ink, it needs further standardization, specialization, and environmental protection. Some product specifications, safety indicators should be ruled. Solvent based inks are currently focusing on those efforts. As a result, the high corrosion resistance and strong solvent ink slowly will be replaced in the future. Oil based pigment ink is limited to certain special applications, such as the oil industry.

At the beginning, solvent dye is named so because it can be dissolved in organic solvents. We usually call the dye that can dissolve in non-polar or low-polarity solvents as oil dye. Usually solvent dyes for plastics application is limited to the amorphous polymers coloring, such as polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyester, gathers non-record vinyl, etc. But the consumption of solvent pigments in plastics industry is great. View more.


Categories of sulfur dyes in dyeing

Application of sulfur dyes in dyeing of cellulosic fibers are many. It mainly used for yarns industrial fabrics and heavy fabrics. Sulfur dyes do not dissolve in water, the dyeing needs sodium sulfide or other reducing agents to revert a dye soluble leuco. It has affinity to fiber. Sulfur dyes can be used for dyeing of fiber such as cotton, linen, viscose, etc. Its manufacturing process is relatively simple, low cost, dye color or mixed colors, good light fastness, but abrasion resistant fastness is poor.

Sulfur dyes now can be divided into six main categories:

1 powdered sulfur dyes
Structure formula is D-S-S-D. These dyes are not soluble in water, alkaline reducing agents can make the dyes reduce to leuco, and dissolves in the water, leuco-sodium salts can be adsorbed by fibers.

2 water-soluble sulfur dye
Structure formula is D-SSO3Na. Such dyes molecular structure has water-soluble group, both solubility and levelling are good. Water-soluble sulfur dyes have fine excellent high temperature properties. But dyes do not contain a reducing agent and have no affinity to the fibers, so it need to add sodium sulfide when dyeing, and through Nucleophilic, reduction to make it into cellulose affinity State.

3 liquid sulfur dyes
It contains a certain amount of sodium sulfide reducing agents. When diluted, it can be directly applied. Such dyes some contain sulfur, some contain very small amounts or little sulfur.

4 environmentally friendly sulfur dyes
They are refined into dyeing leuco in the production process, but the amount of sulphur are far lower than common sulfur dyes. They are high purity, stable restoring and good permeability, also use glucose and insurance powder in the dye bath as a binary reduction agent. It not only reduce sulfur dyes, but also play a role in environmental protection.

5 curing VAT dyes
It usually is made into powder, fine, Superfine powder or liquid dyes, and it applied to the one-bath dyeing of polyester/cotton blended fabric and disperse dyes. Also it can be used for caustic alkali and hydrosulfite (thiourea) restore.

6 disperse sulfur dyes
Disperse sulfur dyes is based on sulfur dyes and VAT dyes sulfide, and made by the commodity processing methods of disperse dyes. It mainly used for disperse dyes in one bath dyeing polyester and viscose or polyester/cotton blended fabric. Read more!


Types of sulfur dyes

Sulfur dyes are one of the most widely used dye. It was reported that the production of sulfur dye reaches more than a hundred thousand of tons throughout the world, and one of the most important varieties are sulfur black dye. Currently, the sulphur black accounts for 75%~80% of the total sulfur dyes. It is by the favor of dyeing and printing factory for its synthesis simplicity, low cost, good fastness and no carcinogenic. It is widely used in the dyeing of cotton and other cellulose fibers.

Sulphur dyes with more vivid color and the fastness to chlorine bleaching is relatively good. But some yellow and orange varieties have photosensitive tendering effect on fiber.

In recent years, liquid sulfur dyes, ultrafine dispersion sulfur dyes and environment-friendly sulfur dyes is developing rapidly. As the requirements to environment is higher, the ecological selection of sulphur dyes reductant and oxidant is necessary.

According to the different dyeing conditions, sulphur dye divided into two kinds: sodium sulfide is used as a reducing agent for dyeing of sulfur dyes; even two sodium sulfite is used as a reducing agent sulfur reduction dyes. For ease of use, the sulfur dyes use sodium metabisulfite or sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate substituent sulfonic acids to get water-soluble sulfur dye, and the dye can directly dyeing without a reducing agent.

I. sulfur dyes that use sodium sulfide as a reducing agent

II. the curing VAT of hydrosulfite is used as a reducing agent

III. liquid sulfur dyes are developed in order to facilitate the processing and production of a new type of sulfur dyes.

Such dyes uses are similar to soluble VAT dye, the configurations can be directly add water according to proportional. It's no need to add a reducing agent, only partially light color dye should add some sodium sulfide, and such dye color spectrum is wide.
There are two methods of industrial production of sulfur dyes:

I. Baking Raw materials of aromatic amines, phenols or nitro compounds with sulfur or polysulfide baking at a high temperature to produce yellow, Orange and Brown sulfur dyes.

II. Boiling Raw materials of aromatic amines, phenols or nitro compounds with sodium polysulfide heated to boiling in water or organic solvents to produce black, blue, green sulphur dyes. Read this article


Fiber reactive dye and uses

Reactive dyes are a new type of dye. Reactive dyes molecule can react with the fiber in the group. They have good fastness properties during dyeing. Reactive dyeing plays an important role in the coloration of cellulosic fibres, and it can be used in dyeing of cellulose like cotton or flax. United Kingdom first produced grades of Procion reactive dyes in 1956. Reactive dyes molecules including the mother dyes and reactive. Reactive is a group that can react with fiber.

Reactive dyes are used in high-end cotton, linen dyeing, technical requirements and the production of barrier is high, the export is more optimistic, for the annual exports growth is over 20%. While the disperse dyes are used in the dyeing of polyester fabrics, low-end products but need larger materials, as a result, this kind of dye industry faces certain difficulties at present.

Most commonly used dyeing method of reactive dyes are dip dyeing and rolling dyeing. Reactive dyes are made up of the mother dye, linking radicals and active radicals. This makes it use to work with fibers form strong covalent bond and has a series of characteristics unmatched by other dye cellulose fibers. It establishes the key position of development and use of it as a dye for cellulose fibre.

I. It is one of the best choice for the reactive dyes to replace banned dyes and other cellulose dyes such as sulfur dyes, azoic dyes and VAT dyes, etc.

II. Reactive dyes can get high level fastness properties especially wet fastness by economic processes and simple dyeing operations.

III. Reactive dyes have wide chromatographic, bright colors, strong performance and applicability, the color and properties adapt to the market demand for fibers and clothing.

IV. Reactive dyes are applicable for the dyeing and printing needs of new cellulose fiber products, such as Lyocell fiber.

In order to improve the efficiency of the dyeing of cotton fabrics, high success rate of dyeing (RFT) is very important. Meanwhile it has great effect on improving the business of printing and dyeing enterprises, especially raw cotton from different sources, inconsistent quality, dyeing of cotton fabrics will produce many uncertain factors to decrease dyeing rate. So pay more attention to the RFT and constantly improve the success rate of dyeing will have much effect. A lot of practice shoes that increase RFT can reduce total production cost and promote production earnings of fabric. Click here to read more!


Textile pigment and propylene pigment

Textile pigment specifically applied to fabric screen printing. Generally speaking, it needs 150 degrees bake for 5 minutes, and wash after 24 hours. It has some shortages for painting with hand-painted clothing. Because it need to use a special mixed agent blending pigments, use an iron heated high-temperature baking. Textile paint adhesion is relatively small, so improper operation can easily make the color fade away.

Textile fibres pigment usage: textile pigment harmonic agent is used to adjust pigment, and pigments can be mixed. However, you should be aware that bottle of mixed agents is not enough you have. So, in fact, do not rely entirely on the bottle of mixed agents. It can also reconcile the water.

Textile pigment is the development of new products on the basis of 822 textile fibers pigment. It is brilliant in color, fine texture, film-forming soft, high light fastness, strong adhesion, high permeability, water resistance, washable, abrasion characteristics, etc. The pigment is convenient for use and more vivid than the acrylic paint color. Wide range of uses, for it can be used in the textile, paper, wood, water, and other vector paint . It can be used for hand-painted, nail art, screen printing and other methods.

Acrylic paints are the synthesis of polymeric pigments, it is invented in the 50's of the 20th century. Acrylic paints are made of pigment mixed acrylic latex. Acrylic latex is also known as propylene resin polymerization emulsion. Acrylic resins have many kinds, such as methyl methacrylate resin. So propylene pigments have many kinds. Half Matt Matt acrylic paints, acrylic paints and glossy acrylic paints acrylic semi-gloss oil, varnish, plastic ointment and other propylene pigments have been manufactured.

Hand-painted textiles pigments and acrylic paint is waterproof, hand-painted fabric pigment is specialized paint in fiber cloth. Acrylic paints are usually more expensive than imported textile pigment, for it needs import. Textile pigments and acrylic paint professional seasoning, seasoning is used to reconcile the liquid pigments. The characteristics of seasoning can keep properties of pigment, reinforce the fastening of pigment on the clothing and ease the paints drying time. Textile pigments must use seasoning, for its own adhesion not better than propylene pigments. Textiles seasoning keep pigment on clothing more longer.


Types of dyes and trends

Dyes are materials that are able to make a certain color attached to the fibers. Dyestuff are usually soluble in water, some dyes require a mordant dye adhered on fiber. Archaeological data shows that dyeing technology in India and Middle East has over 5,000 years of history.

Wide range of dye can be divided into natural dyes (such as vegetable dyes, dye and animal mineral dyes) and synthetic dyes (or artificial dyes) according to sources. According to the molecular structure, it classified into azo dyes, Anthraquinone dye, phthalocyanine dyes, aromatic Nitro methane dyes, dyestuff and so on. According to application methods, it includes acid dyes, basic dyes, sulfur dyes, direct dyes, reactive dyes, dispersion and so on.

Natural dyes are dyes obtained from animal, vegetable and mineral. According to sources can be divided into:

I. Plant dyes Dyes extracted from the roots, stems, leaves and fruit of certain plants, such as Indigo extracted from leaves of Indigo (blue), curcumin extracted from turmeric (yellow), alizarin (red) extracted from madder.

II. Animal dyes Dyes extracted from animal bodies, such as carmine extracted from cochineal.

III. Mineral dyes Dyes extracted from colored inorganic of minerals, such as chrome yellow, Ultramarine and manganese Brown. Compared with the artificial dye, natural dyes has many shortcomings, such as incompetence, inconvenience and poor colour fastness of color spectrum.

Synthetic dye, also called " man-made dyes". Mainly formed by chemical processing of coal-tar (or oil) fractionation products (such as benzene, naphthalene, anthracene and carbazole, etc), it sometimes called a coal tar dye. As the earliest of several synthetic dyes made from aniline, also it also known as "aniline dyes." Compared with natural dyes, synthetic dyes have wide range of types, complete chromatography, light color and can be mass produced. So the current so-called dye almost are all synthetic dyes.

Dye has a rapid development since the 70 's of the 20th century, the main purpose of the 90's is to develop new products and improve quality. The rapid development of dyes in China is the 80's, its main role is also improve quality since the 90 's. Meanwhile, production has maintain a certain growth rate. Dyes used in textiles accounted for 85%, the rest used for the dyeing of leather, plastic, paper, coatings, etc.

In accordance with the requirements of eco-textiles and disables 118 kinds of dyes, green dye has been the focus of dyes and dyeing industries. Green dye is an extremely important condition to ensure textile ecological. In addition to the necessary dyeing properties, the technology applicability, application performance and the fastness properties, green dye also need to meet the requirements of environmental protection.


Properties of direct dyes and uses

Dye is one of the of chemicals that is close to human life, its product properties determine which is an innovation-driven industry. China textile dye is primarily reactive dyes and VAT dyes and direct dyes, and the price of direct dyes is one-tenth of reactive dyes and VAT dyes.
The pursuit of color gave birth to the synthetic dye industry, and with the birth of new textile materials, scientists have also developed disperse dyes and cationic dyes for acrylic. Different printing processes, different areas of application, developing consumer demand, a wide range of new demands on the dye, dyestuff industry is constantly develop and grow up through product innovation and technological innovation. It can be said that the modern innovation of dyestuff industry born with the original gene.

Dyes are divided into ten categories, such as reactive dyes, direct dyes and disperse dyes, etc. Theoretically, cationic dyes are special dyes for acrylic fibers, but plant often encountered poor production in dyeing with cationic dyes, mixed colors combination limited by value k, higher prices and so on. Practice has proved that the direct dye dyeing acrylic fibres at the acidic conditions, sample fabrics are bright, pure light, the depth also is ideal, meanwhile it helps factories reduce the cost of dyeing.
Direct dyes stand for a wide range of colorants that are very economical. There are three common ways to classify direct dyes: chemical structure, dyeing properties and their fastness properties.

Direct dye containing sulfonate or carboxylate salt, it dissociates into sulfonic acid or sodium carboxylate anions and cations in water. Using cationic compounds as a fixing agent, and occurs ion exchange reaction with anions of dyes on fibers, then generate salt that is slightly soluble or insoluble in water, preventing the dye dissolved in water ionization and breaking off from the fabric. Direct dyes vary widely in their fastness properties and staining effects on various fibres.

Direct dyes can apply batch dyeing methods, semi-continuous methods and continuous methods. Combined scouring and dyeing are suitable for many direct dyes. Usually, soda ash and non-ionic detergent are employed. However, dyes containing amide groups are prohibited as the reason of the risk of alkaline hydrolysis. By the way, Effect of temperature on different dyes dyeing properties are different. For dyeing rate high, good diffusion properties of direct dyes, it get most deep color at 60 - 70 ℃, while the dyeing rate decreased when the temperature is above 90 ℃.


Powder coating and coating ingredient

Coating develops rapidly and updates more frequently in the chemical industry, particularly coating associated with buildings, family home is environmental, safety, health and functional. Coatings are an excellent process to protect any object from corrosion and rust. It is often used in interior and exterior decorations with change in appearance. Therefore, coating becomes important and essential and is offered all over the world. Coatings are offered in many forms to satisfy the demands of the customers.

What are the main ingredient of coatings? Film forming matter is the main ingredient of film, including fats, oils, natural resins, synthetic resin products and cellulose derivatives. The film forming matter also included some nonvolatile active diluent, which is to make the paint firmly attached to the coated surfaces to form a continuous film on the main. It is a basis for powder coating and determines the basic characteristics of paint.

Additives such as defoamer, leveling agent, some special functional additives, such as substrate wetting agents. These additives are generally not film, but it plays a very important role on base material forming film and durability.

Pigments are one of the main components of colored coatings (paints). Pigment makes the film colorful and has the ability to cover the coated object so that it plays its role of decoration and protection. Some pigments have functions of improving the mechanical properties of paint films, improving paint durability, provide protection against corrosion, electrical conductivity, flame retardants, etc. Pigment can be divided into natural and synthetic pigments by source; according to chemical composition consists of inorganic and organic pigments; classified by role in the coating, it can be divided into colouring pigments, extenders and special pigments. The mostly used in coating is inorganic pigments, synthetic pigments are widely used also, and now organic pigment developed rapidly.

Solvent including the class of hydrocarbon (mineral oil fine, and kerosene, and gasoline, and benzene, and toluene, and xylene), alcohol, ether, ketone and ester material. The main role of solvent and water is to make the film base material dispersed and formed sticky heavy liquid. It helps construction and improved coated film of some performance. Coatings can be divided into oily paint, fiber paint, synthesis paint and inorganic paint according to the main into film material in coating; It can be divided into solution, LaTeX, Sol, powder, light, light extinction and colorful art paint according to the coating or paint film characters.


Acid dyes in dyeing

Acid dyes is water soluble dye with a structure of acidic groups, and can dyeing in acid medium. Most acid dyes containing sulfonic acid sodium salt, soluble in water, bright color with complete chromatography. It mainly used for wool, silk and nylon dyeing, also available in leather, paper, ink, and so on. But it can not dyeing to cellulose fibers.

The common problems of acid dyes in dyeing are color change, leveling is not enough and so on. In addition to the poor quality of dyes, improper operation or not well handled details are causes to the problems. The characteristics of acid dyes of polyamide: quick dyeing, poor evenly stained, so it requires using suitable levelling agent; poor dyeing fastness, it requires solid-color processing, especially darker varieties; dyeing processes: 50-600C started dyeing and - 1000C ensure--water has solid-color process.

According to its chemical structure and dyeing conditions, acid dyes are divided into strong acid, weak acid, acid media, acid complex dyes and so on. First development acid dye requires dyeing in strong of acid dye bath. The molecular structure is simple, molecular volume is low. It contains sulfonic acid base or carboxyl, it can dyeing well on wool, so it also called acid uniform dye dye. But its resistance wash fastness is poor, the hand feel of wool is poor after dyeing because of the dyeing on wool has damaged. Acid dyes have azo, Anthraquinone, Miyoshi methane and so on, but most of them belong to the azo dye.

Of the developed acid environmental dyes, red acid dyes are as follows: C.I. acid red 37, C.I. acid red 89 (weak acid red 3B, 2BS), C.I. acid red 145 (weak acid brilliant scarlet GL), etc. C.I. acid red 336 and C.I. acid red 361 are important species of red spectrum. Orange acid dyes are C.I. acid orange 67 (weak acid yellow RXL), C.I. acid orange 116 (acid Orange AGT), C.I. acid orange 156 (weak acid orange 3G). Yellow acid dyes are C.I. acid yellow 42 (weak acid yellow Rs, acid yellow r) and the C.I. acid yellow 49 (acid yellow GR200).


Types of disperse dyes and uses

Disperse dyes are far less water soluble dyes that dye polyester and acetate fibers. It is mainly used for the dyeing of polyester fibers. Mostly, the chemical structure of disperse dyes is azo, the percentage is 80% of disperse dye, followed by AQ-about 15%, about 5% of other struct types. Once some scholars believe that the crystal morphology of disperse dyes has an impact on its dyeing properties, but later research denies the claim. Disperse dye Crystal, however different, the lattice energy is different, so crystal form of disperse dyes have an impact on its commercialization process.

There are three commonly used disperse dyes dyeing method: carrier dyeing, high pressure and heat-melt method. The actual temperature of high temperature and pressure is only 130 ℃, the pressure is only 0.2MPa (gauge pressure). The reason why it is called so is because the dyeing of other dyes often carried out under pressure, and dyeing temperature usually are not exceed 100 ℃.

Carrier dyeing is carried out at atmospheric pressure with heating. It uses chemicals that have the immediacy to dyes and fibers. When dyeing, this chemical enters the inside of polyester, dye molecules are also brought into, this chemical called a carrier or carrying agent. Common carriers are o-phenylphenol, such as benzene, Methyl salicylate. Due to most of them are toxic and harmful to the human body, they have been rarely used.

Hot-melt dyeing does not work in water, instead it pads dyeing liquid dye on the fiber surface, put this fiber into the 180~220℃ oven after drying, and stay 30s, dye sublimation during this process and fiber coloring. In accordance with the dyeing process, disperse dyes can be divided into high-temperature, medium temperature and low temperature type. The high temperature disperse dye are the largest molecules and the best sublimation fastness among them.

Disperse dyes in use have new developments: multicomponent disperse dyes, usually mixed according to certain proportion by two disperse dyes; transfer printing, make disperse dye into printing ink, printing on the fabric, and then after high temperature pressing dyeing, this process is also known as non-aqueous printing. It has the advantages of energy-saving, time saving, convenient, easy, etc; the mix use of reactive dyes and disperse dyes make dyeing process simplified, also the quality of printing and dyeing is improved.


Disperse dyes manufacturers and dyeing enterprises

Last year, dye companies especially listed enterprises give full play to their brands, patents, technological innovation, environmental protection and cost control advantages to strive to increase market share and keep profitability remained at a high level.

Dye industry's most-watched event is the continuous price increases significantly with disperse dyes this year, disperse dyes price or once again become a hot topic in the industry.

Disperse dyes made in traditional technology do harm to environment. High-pollution industries such as printing and dyeing, chemical in places of Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Zhejiang etc are focused and reorganization. The G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou in the second half of this year, the local dye companies 1-2 month ahead to limit production even shut down, and that time is the high season of the printing and dyeing industry, so the dye is expected to continue for another six months time to raise prices. Disperse dyes price rise logic would be long lasting, and listed companies are expected to make good profits.

Despite dye prices moved up, but there are still some distance from previous highs. In 2015, reactive dyes and disperse dyes price decline was larger, listed companies generally decline.

Because of environmental events, large variety of disperse dyes again raise price 2000 Yuan/ton. Recently, discontinued dyeing enterprises in Yancheng, Jiangsu for environmental factors, which caused the price of disperse dyes on April from 25 2000 Yuan / ton to more than 33,000 yuan/ton. The company is the fourth-largest producer of large varieties of disperse dyes, 30,000-ton capacity. It sold over 25,000 tons in 2015, accounted for about 10% of domestic production. At the same time, due to the recent undersupply of disperse dyes intermediates restore, six bromide, six chloride etc, the prices of intermediates continued to rise.


Chemicals in our life

Chemicals are crucial in every aspect of our daily lives. Since chemicals are actually needed in all industries, the global need for chemicals is obviously. They are used in different fields, for example, the production of pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, textile chemicals, etc.

Some chemicals are manufactured and developed from raw materials. Some chemicals are found in fuels, dyes, coatings, cosmetics, lubricants, additives, insulators and so on. By the way, and they can be solid, liquid or gas. Various types of chemicals which are produced by industries for various applications or demand. In recent years, there has been a huge rise in demand for them.

The need for chemicals is large, so the requirement for highly regarded manufacturers is also large. Chemical suppliers in China make it a point that they meet standards imposed by the government regarding operation and quality control of their products. Nowadays, suppliers can easily found by searching the phone directory or browsing the web. Facing to the growing competition of chemical industry worldwide, manufacturers must first meet the quality standards and follow the right labeling, packaging; suppliers with a good track record provide qualified chemicals and shipping and delivery; legislations ensure that chemical manufacturers and suppliers adhere to state policies regarding packaging, labeling, and distribution.

Safety is top priority. Manufacture and dealing with chemicals are considered vital to the global economy. Many precautionary measures on handling chemicals are needed. Because many chemicals are hazardous to people. Labels, manuals, certifications and packaging are required, chemical effects on health and the environment should be wary.

Different people buy chemicals for varies uses. Coating raw materials are applied to the surface of a substrate mainly for decoration, cosmetics to make a person look more attractive or presentable, the textile industry uses lots of chemicals, food additives are chemicals added to foods to enhance their colour, flavour or texture. The application of chemicals have truly benefited mankind in many ways.

Whatever their reasons are for buying chemicals, people should look for a chemical supplier that provides good quality products and has reliable delivery system. To learn more about the uses and functions of chemicals, you can visit us at OKCHEM.com.


Dye and textile industry

The textile industry is a global industry. As we know, textile industry provides one of the most fundamental necessities of the people, for they processing and manufacture clothes, garments, denim, leather, fabric, technical textiles and home textile that we need. No doubt that it plays a significant role in shaping the industry's development.

The textile industry has been in existence for centuries in many countries, such as China, India, etc. The textile industry need large water resources and energy consumption. About 60% of energy consumption in textile washing step during textile processing. Utilization of water resources, industry requirements dyeing, fabric energy consumption up to 200 liters of water per kg level. In addition, the industry also requires increased use of water and energy saving new technology, such as rope dyeing, foam processing, dyeing liquid recycling and application of digital printing technology.

The market trends of textile chemicals are close to textile manufacturing industries. Currently, textile chemicals are divided into two categories: dyes and auxiliaries. market for high quality textile products and industrial fabrics market demand growth. They occupy a more important market share of textile chemicals market. At present, the United States, the European textile market increasing demand for high quality products, India textiles export is growing, India Textile auxiliaries market due to the growing scale of textile exports is growing.

In recent years, our country pay a highly attention to dye industry of pollution problem. some pollutants emissions not reach the standard of enterprise will be eliminated in the competition, environmental enterprises are expected to be benefit from this. So many enterprises work to create environmentally friendly textiles. In fact, green supply chain is green manufacturing, and green manufacturing based on chemical control. At present, accounting for about 1/4 of the chemicals used in the textile industry, while China accounted for the amount of 45% in the global textile chemicals, alarming volume determines the priority is set to effectively identify the usage of chemicals in the supply chain traceability system in order to improve chemicals management capacity.

Auxiliaries are used in textile printing and dyeing. It can enhance the effect of printing and dyeing, including printing auxiliaries and dyeing auxiliaries. And printing auxiliaries include thickeners, adhesives, cross-linking agent, emulsifiers, dispersant additives and other printing auxiliaries. In recent years, the production and development of China dyes, additives and organic pigment industry are healthy and rapidly. The rapid development of textile industry has greatly increased demand for textile chemicals in dye, the dye industry and the textile industry relies on means of dyestuff industry in China has a huge market. More information, please visit our web OKCHEM.

Textile dye and printed textiles

Chemical dye is a huge industry, it involves a number of different structures, different types of organic chemical synthesis. The Classification are direct dyes, acid dyes, reactive dyes, disperse dyes and cationic dyes and metal complex dyes, and so on. There are hundreds of different colors of each category, and each color's chemical structure is completely different with other color's.

With the improvement of the world economy, people's demand for apparel, textiles is more and more personalized and diversified, which requires traditional textiles shift to more variety and small batch production. Textiles or fabrics art is one of the oldest forms of art known to humanity. The textile digital ink jet printing technology is characterized by high quality and short process, the production process is short and quick, therefore it can better meet the demands of instant delivery.

Most of the fabrics being produced and traded between several countries today. The output of China printed textiles ranked first in the world, but about half the price of similar products in developed countries. Digital ink-jet printing products is a new product that can greatly satisfy people's personalized consumer demand. Its application will not only greatly enhance the country's competitiveness in the world market, but also promote technical exchanges and the standard of living of the peoples of the world. The coating digital ink-jet printing technology is one of the focuses on the development of green dyeing and printing techniques at the international level, and it has entered the stage of industrial application.

Textile dye is a dye used in textile dyeing. They are mostly plant fruit, tree SAP and other plant extracts, also contain natural chemicals such as coal tar extract. It is divided into natural dyes and synthetic dyes, and synthetic dyes can be seen easily on the market. With the development of high tech, we can enjoy dyeing our own textiles with natural or synthetic colours today. Dyes have the property to show an affinity towards the substrate. They are applied to plastic, cement, cosmetics, rubber, paper, textiles, medicine, etc.

As we all know, textile digital printing technology originally used to identify, mark, technical textiles, household decorations, and underlying dye. Digital printing inks containing acid dyes, disperse particles and active substance with the pigment and so on. The technology can be used to print the sample and sampling, the use of methods are more cost-effective than traditional. More information, please visit http://www.okchem.com/.


Knowledge of Natural dyes

Natural dyes fall into three categories: plant, animal and mineral. Mostly, natural dyes come from dye plants. Vegetable dyes are extracted from the roots of the plant, stem, leaf and fruit extract; fewer animals dyes mainly taken from the bodies of shellfish and cochineal, such as: worm (purple) glue, such as cochineal, Kermes; mineral dyes are extracted colored inorganic  from mineral substances, such as chrome yellow, Ultramarine and manganese Brown, and so on. In recent years, the pigments produced by bacteria, fungi, mold and other microbes are found can be used as a source of natural dyes.

United Kingdom researchers say: palmate chrysosporium, coarse fiber holes and other large fungi can be used as a natural dye for staining. Japan insect silk Institute of agricultural technology cooperation with the silk trading company research found that microbes can produce purple pigments used for dyeing. Fungal pigments can also be used for dyeing. Our researchers try the monascus pigment to dye silk and get a beautiful deep red. Detection shows that these microorganisms were non-pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the pigment is safe.

Because of the varying natural dye molecules, staining methods are not the same. There are 4 kinds of staining methods:

Direct staining  Some natural pigments of plant dye has a good solubso direct staining is a good way, such as gardenias, turmeric and so on.

Mordant dyeing method  Certain plant dye pigments have a fine water solubility, solution components can be directly adsorbed on the fiber,  but in order to improve the color fastness, a mordant dyeing method is required.

Restore method  Natural pigment compounds already exists in plants, while resulting in water insoluble pigments in the dyeing process, such as bluegrass.
Other staining methods  Dye on the fiber according to the natural pigments of plant dye have different acid and alkali solubility, such as saffron, turmeric.

Natural dye mainly used natural fibers (wool, linen, silk, wool) and most of the man-made fibers (soybean fiber, milk fiber, bamboo fiber, modal), textiles, clothing, and clothing decorations. Also it can be used in arts crafts, leather goods, wood products, cosmetics.

Natural dyes are suitable for the development of high-value green products, the future of natural dyed fabric is very promising. The superiority of natural dyes can be particularly in the health underwear products and home textile products. More information, please visit http://www.okchem.com/.