
Organic pigments industry

Organic pigments have wide varieties. There are four commonly used classifications:

1. Classified by different color spectrum: pigments are divided into yellow, orange, red, purple, Brown, blue, green pigments, etc

2. Classified by objects application: pigments are divided into paints and coatings special used pigments, ink special used pigments, plastics and rubber special used pigments, cosmetics special used pigments and so on.

3. Classified by the functional of pigment: pigments are divided into ordinary paint, fluorescent paint, Pearl paint, color pigment and so on.

4. Classified by chromophore of pigments molecules: they can be roughly divided into azo pigments and non-azo-pigments two categories.

Colored pigment is divided into inorganic pigments and organic pigments. Organic pigments have more bright colors, higher color strength and transparency than inorganic pigments. Most organic pigments varieties have little toxicity. Low-grade variety of organic pigments are inferior to inorganic pigments in light fastness, weather fastness, heat resistance and solvent resistance. In most organic pigments, blue and green phthalocyanine pigments are cheap and strong fastness, yellow, red and purple organic pigments have great resistance pigments and very high prices.

However, high grade organic pigments not only has excellent light fastness, weather fastness and heat and solvent resistance, but also superior to inorganic pigments in acid and alkali resistance.
The advantage of organic pigments are clear, bright color, strong stain, low density, non-toxic, but some varieties are often not as good as inorganic pigments in light resistance, heat resistance, solvent resistance and resistance to migration.

Organic pigment industry in our country at present is still in transition to large-scale development, along with the rapid development of China's economy, its development momentum is getting better. This also benefited from an intermediate production scale, the continuous improvement of the quality, wide variety and some high-performance organic pigment intermediates have been put into commercial production. China Organic pigment production and import-export economy is in good condition in 2006, it has 182600 tons of annual production of organic pigments, and grew 16.6% compared with the previous year.

Organic pigments as a branch of a wide variety of dyes. The classification according to their molecular structure containing a particular chromophoric or functional groups are often divided into azo pigments, Phthalocyanine pigments, high performance organic pigments and other kinds of organic pigment. Among them, the production of Azo pigment is the largest one, then is Phthalocyanine pigment.Click here!


