
Maltodextrin in food industry

Maltodextrin is a starch food additives, it often act as a thickener or filler for production of commercial foods and beverages. Although it is almost tasteless, but it is often described as slightly sweet taste. Most nutrition experts agree that this material is a "zero" sum, meaning low calories, vitamins or other nutrients. It is mostly used in bulk products to increase and improve the texture and appearance. Maltodextrin is a common ingredient in sports drinks, and human body digest it as a simple carbohydrate. Some studies have shown that maltodextrin supplement can help maintain the anaerobic capacity during exercise. However, there are other studies show no effect.

The process of maltodextrin is a little more complicated. Chemists usually starts from the natural starch, in addition to the most common potatoes, there are also corn, wheat and barley. Starch must reduce the basic components, usually mixed with water in hydrolysis process. Even further by removing proteins and other components using an enzyme. Finally it get a product that is almost tasteless and white powder dissolves instantly in water.

It is one of the most common uses for malt dextrin used as a food additive to increase products viscosity. Because of the colorless, it is used in cereal, salad dressing, business volume of sauces and other food. Maltodextrin can form a gel structure and withholding water, it may have a similar texture and taste of fat when the DE value is 3~5, so it is a good fat substitutes. It is a substitutes of ice-cream, salad, sausages and other fat.

The FDA generally accepted maltodextrin are safe. There are malt dextrin, starch sweeteners in many processed foods and beverages, proper amount use may have little impact on human health, however, diabetic patients or people who need to monitor blood sugar levels should pay attention to this component. Most malt dextrin is gluten-free, even wheat or barley products are made so. This is because the finishing process removes almost all colloidal components. Even so, wheat allergy or celiac disease patients still need to avoid foods that contain this thickening agent.
But maltodextrin can be used as a simple carbohydrate intake, for it is easily to turn into instant energy. Therefore, this compounds are popular among players, and it is the ingredient of many sports drinks. If you have interest to okchem, click here, thanks!


Sulphur black in dyeing

Sulphur black dye is insoluble in water, so sulfur dyes does not have dyeing capacity to cotton. But its in the sodium sulfide of aqueous reduced to leuco dyes for dyeing of cotton with good performance. So sulfur dyes are to be carried out in a solution of sodium sulfide. Sulphur black dye is more sulfur-containing polymer, which contain sulfur and disulfide bonds in the structure, but it is very unstable. Particularly the sulfur bonds in certain temperature and humidity conditions can be oxidized by the oxygen in the air as sulphur oxides, and further with water molecules in the air to produce sulfuric acid, thus reduce the yarn and fibre tendering, seriously fibers may all brittle into powders.
Sulphur black of cotton knit fabrics are difference from reactive black. First the two ingredients are different, the primary compose of reactive black is carbon, and sulfur black dye containing more sulfur, though their color is closer. Secondly, their uses are not the same, active black mainly used as adsorption materials, such as desiccant and air purification, while sulphur black are mostly used in dyeing of textiles.

Na2S is solvent to dissolve sulfur dyes, its role is to restore the sulfur black dye with leuco dye on cotton. Na2CO3 increase reduction stability role in sulfur black dye preventing dyes premature oxidation. It prevents the effects of calcium and magnesium salts in hard water staining when using hard water stain. General amount is 2% of the fabric, excessive amount may make fabric Red-Brown. Add Na2SO4 in dye solution are helpful to improve the dyeing.

But there are some notes in the operation.
1 to ensure time and temperature, ensure that the dye dissolve fully restored.
2 guarantee the temperature and time of germ cloth oil removal, removing grease from cloth to improve capillary effect and stain evenly.
3 wash water oxidation is the key.
4 soft: soft oil in the cylinder with water of 1:20

Environment-friendly liquid sulphur black mainly used in the denim yarn dyeing, cloth dyeing, knitting dyeing, package dyeing and so on. Compared with the activity, petroleum jelly and other dyes for cotton, it has the advantages of low cost and short process. And it has been increasingly accepted by the printing and dyeing factories. Read more!


Wide use of silicone water repellent

The main raw material of silicone water repellent coatings are silane and siloxane. It is a new waterproof materials with permeability of the pollution-free, hypo-allergenic, used by the advanced countries in the world. Silicone water repellent coatings are divided into ordinary type and endurance-type, each type contains body type, solvent-borne, waterborne and latex type products, mainly used for the waterproof protection of porous inorganic base, such as concrete, tile, brick, stone, etc.

Silicone water repellent coating depends on the water as the medium, then add some hydrolysates and other effective additives, mixing by high temperature and high pressure fully, then the dissolution reaction to get organosilicon waterproofing agent. Organosilicon waterproofing agent mixed with cement mortar plays a role of retarder, water reducing agent and Enhancer. As a result, it is widely used in the construction industry, external wall finishes, underground engineering, antique building, pool, brick, cement and gypsum products and perlite insulation materials and rural roof waterproof, moisture-proof, anti-pollution treatment. Silicone water repellent agent is transparent, which can be used in the surface of glazes, ceramic tile, floor tile, wood, stone, ceramics and other materials. The surface of material will form strong water-repellent layer with organosilicon waterproofing agent so as to protect the surface from water erosion. Besides, it also can widely for moisture mold processing before indoor decorative, industrial plant both inside and outside wall of anti-pollution cleaning, anti-weathered, anti-acid rain processing, they also can be applied to ancient building, stone, tile, books archives, precision instruments room and the computer room, variable distribution room, warehouse, etc.

If the construction in winter, silicone water repellent can be used in conjunction with sodium nitrite type of antifreeze. Silicone water repellent is general chemicals, construction workers should be careful not to splash to the face, especially not splash in or rinse in storage and use, or rinse immediately with plenty of water and find a doctor. Wearing protective gloves, protective glasses, wear overalls to avoid skin contact. Silicone water repellent shall not be in contact with active metals like zinc, aluminum, tin, etc in transport and use. Iron metal container is avoid to use, in case deterioration and the containers corrode caused by chemical reaction. The storage and transportation of silicone water repellent is to prevent rain, exposure and packaging damage, storage at ambient temperature 0~30℃, and shelf life of three years. Read more here!


Citric acid can be used in food industry and other field

Citric acid is also known as sildenafil citrate, colorless crystals. It has a strong sour taste and is easily soluble in water. Citric acid can be used as condiments of many vitamin c products, and also it is more widely used in the food industry. It can be used as a natural cleansing agent in the industrial field, and citric acid is also commonly used to develop films.

Citric acid is an indispensable nutrient metabolism of the body. Its oxidation reaction heat is an important source of energy required to human life. It can be used directly in food, pharmaceutical industry, besides, it used as a reducing agent in printing and dyeing leather. Citric acid is mainly used as an acidic agent, solubilizing agent, buffering agent, antioxidant, fishy odor removal agent, flavor booster, gels, toners, etc. In addition, it also plays an important role in inhibits bacteria, color protection, improve flavor and promote the transformation of sucrose. Also, the chelate of citric acid can remove certain harmful metals. It can prevent oxidation due to enzymatic catalytic and metal catalytic, thus preventing the frozen fruit color taste.

Citric acid combined with other minerals also can be used to produce softened water. It will become more effective when soaps and detergents containing citric acid. As shampoo ingredients, citric acid can clear minerals in the water. Of course, high concentrations of citric acid can damage the hair, because it opens the hair cuticle, and take away minerals that the hair need.

Owing to its pleasant sour, refreshing, nontoxic, citric acid as sour agent is widely used in beverage and food. After years of development, China has produce and export a large amount of citric acid. In fermentation broth of citric acid, in addition to the main products, it also contain other metabolites and impurities, such as oxalic acid, gluconic acid, protein, colloidal substance, etc. The complex composition must need physical and chemical methods to extract citric acid. Most of the factories are still using calcium carbonate and sulfuric acid solution to extract of citric acid. In addition, research shows the successful of extraction of citric acid by extraction, electrodialysis and ion-exchange.

But there may have industrial hazardous that we may need to pay attention. The concentrated solutions of citric acid has irritation to mucosal. Contact person may cause eczema in industrial use; Citric acid can burn. The powder can form explosive mixtures with air, open flame, high heat when in contact with antioxidants. It should be stored in airtight container and in a cool and dry place. If you have interest to OKCHEM Inc., please click here!


Hydrofluoric acid uses and tips

Because of the ability to dissolve oxides, hydrofluoric acid plays an important role in the purification of aluminum and uranium. It has many uses, for example, hydrofluoric acid is used to etch the glass, carve, tag and text; semiconductor industry uses it to remove oxides on the silicon surface; it can be used as isobutane and butene alkylation catalyst in refinery; etc. Hydrofluoric acid is also used for a variety of synthesis of fluorine-containing organic compounds, such as Teflon (PTFE) and refrigerants like freon.

Hydrofluoric acid is the aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride, clear, colorless, corrosive liquid smoke, intense unpleasant smell. -83.3 degrees melting point, boiling point of 112.2 ℃, density 0.888g/cm ³. Because hydrogen and fluorine atoms combined capacity is relatively strong, this makes hydrofluoric acid in the water not fully ionized, so in theory a low concentration of hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid. It is highly corrosive, acutely corrosive action on metals, glass and Silicon-containing objects. Laboratory general use of Fluorite (composed mainly of calcium fluoride) and concentrated sulfuric acid to produce, and it needs to be sealed in a plastic bottle and kept in the shade.

Recently, the anhydrous hydrofluoric acid market slightly downward. At present, fluorite powder upstream of hydrofluoric acid market is less than the beginning of the month, price has made many callbacks, domestic sulfuric acid market continues weak. This is only for reference.
The main ingredient of fluorspar is calcium fluoride (CaF2), it is the base and source of fluorine chemical industry as a whole. According to United States Geological Survey data, fluorite resources in global distribution is relatively concentration, the major producer are South Africa, Mexico, Mongolia, China, Russia, the United States, Thailand, Spain and other countries. As HF production depends on fluorite resources, so the enterprises concentrate in East China the rich fluorite resources places. From the late 20th century to 2010, due to the control of fluorite resources in China and the rapid rise of the fluorine chemical industry, this led to the development of hydrofluoric acid and its downstream products, Chinese exports of fluoride products rapidly.

Emergency treatment of HF spill is to evacuate personnel to safe areas, isolation and strict restrictions on access. Recommended emergency personnel wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus, and wear anti-acid clothes. Cut off the source of the leak as possible to prevent them from entry into sewers, drainage ditches and other restricted spaces. If a small amount of leak, mix sand, dry lime and soda ash. Also large amounts of flushing water is available, pour them into the wastewater system after wash water diluted. If you want to get more details about okchem, please click here!


Uses of linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS)

Linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) is widely used in the detergent industry, as well as a very high performance-price ratio of surfactant. After nearly 40 years of testing and practical application shows that LAS has been recognized internationally on environmental and human security.

Linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid sodium can purified into the hexagonal top or rhomboid crystals, minimal toxicity, and international security organization has identified it as a safe chemical raw material, it can be applied to fruits and tableware washing. Sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate are commonly used in the detergent. Because of the large-scale automated production, it is low prices. Linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid sodium salt in the detergent is divided into branched chains (ABS) and straight-chain structure (LAS). Biodegradability of branched chains is small and may do harm to environment, but straight-chain structure is easily biodegradable, its biodegradation may be greater than 90% and less environmental pollution.

But people pay more attention to the real environment, data of the United States, and Canada and Germany active wastewater treatment plant shows that the removal rate of LAS is 96%~99%. Some researchers found that LAS degradation is very quickly in the groundwater, deep in the infiltration points over 600m not measured LAS. Researchers also found that C13LAS biodegradation half-life is 1-2 days.
Linear alkyl benzene sulfonate is not only the most important variety of anionic surfactant, but also the main kinds of detergent actives. It has strong detergency, bubble and foam stability, it has good stability in solution of acidic, alkaline and certain antioxidants, such as sodium hypochlorite, peroxide, etc. Therefore, it is a quality detergents and foaming agents.

Linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid sodium salt is neutral, it is more sensitive to water hardness, not easy to oxidation, strong foaming ability, low cost, higher detergency and easily compounded with various additives. They are excellent surfactants. In recent years, LAS always use with non-ionic surfactant such as AEO for better integrated washing results. The main purpose of LAS is the preparation of various types of liquid, powdered, granulated detergents, cleaners and detergents. It is safe to the environment and humans. Due to the nature of LAS, it still have very broad application prospects in a long period in the future. Read more here!


This first half year of petroleum resin

International crude oil prices present a upward trend this first half of the year. Nearly 90% of the rebound in crude oil prices led the rise in petroleum resin raw materials. Mainstream price of C5 petroleum resin 5# is 9000~9300 Yuan/ton, and C9 petroleum resin 11# price is 4300~4500 Yuan/ton. Due to insufficient demand of domestic, but the export is well. Petroleum resin is a pillar industry of China's national economy. China has established a relatively complete system of petroleum resin industry after half a century's development, industrial scale ranks among the world's Petro-powers, becoming an important part of comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness.

Slow development of the world economy, but infrastructure in emerging economies is essential, as a result, future development of petroleum resins industry is expected to rise, China's petroleum resins total exports will remain to a higher level in 2016. In March, exports of petroleum resin is about 16000 tons. In April, the exports of petroleum resin is about 16000 tons, this is higher than the level in the same period in previous years. From the exports of petroleum resins in China in recent years, exports of petroleum resins increase every year since 2010. Compared with growing exports, imports of petroleum resins in China has been declining in recent years.

Main reason is the resins industry is developing rapidly in China, rapid expansion of production capacity, and gradually reducing dependence on foreign.
C9 petroleum resin is the main petroleum resin production in China, accounted for 70% of the total production capacity, and C5 petroleum resin accounted for 30%. C9 petroleum resin is the main product of petroleum resin production, it mainly used in adhesives, paint and ink industry. In 2010, China's petroleum resin production capacity of 480,000 t/a. At present, there are more than 30 main enterprises of carbon five petroleum resin.

The rapid development of China's petroleum resin industry greatly promote the development of related industries, such as automobiles, defense, aviation, aerospace, this meets the needs of economic development and improving people's living standards. Today, green and low-carbon development has become the trend in the international. The Chinese Government attaches great importance to ecological civilization construction, amendments and introduce stricter environmental protection laws, the requirements to pollution and carbon emission standards have become more stringent. These are closely related with petroleum resin industry, as well as it will have a significant impact on industrial development and challenges. Read more here!


The wide use of Mica powder

Mica is one of the most important non-metallic minerals, MICA is also a unique performance, widely used, high value industrial minerals. The production of Mica is about 250,000 t in the world, India, the United States, South Africa, Brazil, Madagascar, Canada, and Argentina and Russia are the main production countries. India is a Muscovite's most important resource, followed by Brazil, Madagascar, Argentina and Russia.

Phlogopite is mainly produced in Canada, Russia and Argentina. Our MICA is rich and they are throughout the country. The annual production is about 30,000 t, which is widely used in building materials industries, fire industry, fire extinguishing agent, welding electrodes, plastic, wire insulation, paper, tar paper, rubber, Pearlescent pigments and other chemical industries. Ultra-fine MICA powder for plastics, coatings, paints, rubber and other functional fillers can increase its mechanical strength, enhanced toughness, adhesion anti-aging and corrosion resistant.

The main application of sericite powder of exterior wall coatings is to improve permeability resistance of paint film. Flake fillers form a parallel alignment in the film, water and other corrosive substances on film penetrated has strong barrier, permeability resistance increased 3 times, then anti-corrosion Coatings, exterior wall paints and related coatings performance improved significantly.

Sericite powders are important to anticorrosion coatings. As to outdoor coatings and exterior wall coatings, rain and UV damage should take into consideration. The infiltration of rain water will reduce the intensity of the film and accelerate aging, also it forms the porous structure within the paint film after frozen, the acid dissolves fillers (such as calcium carbonate), these problems have to be solved by adding MICA powder. MICA absorb UV light, high cover and shielding, so it can further delay the aging of coating. In addition, flaky filling has an enhanced role on film.

The insulation properties of improve coatings is one of application of sericite powder, this MICA powder should not contain conductive impurities such as free iron oxide. Infrared radiation is one of MICA functions, good high temperature resistance (available at 800-1200 work properly), so the infrared heating element and coating for high temperature equipment often need MICA powder as filler.

Conductive MICA powder is a new conductive filler of conductive paint. It is made by the flaky structure of natural MICA powder as base material in its surface package covered a layer or several layer chemical performance stable, strong resistance corrosion and high conductivity rate of conductive material. It is widely applied to anti-electrostatic paint, electromagnetic shield paint, antistatic industrial floor, explosion-proof buildings antistatic facilities, anti-electrostatic paint, anti-electrostatic latex paint, PVC anti-electrostatic floor, ring oxygen artesian flat anti-electrostatic paint, etc. Click here to get more!

A diversified application of graphene

Graphene as resin composite additive has good market prospects with high specific strength, modulus, fatigue resistance and damping performance. There are two main advantages of using graphene in ink: one is strong compatibility, graphene ink can achieve printing in plastic film, paper and the metal foil tablets, and variety base material; the conductive performance is better than carbon base material, while its cost lower than Nano metal conductive ink, such as Nano Silver and nano Copper powder. Compared to Nano Silver, the cost of graphene conductive ink can reduced 30%.

Graphene can be widely applied to various fields for it has thin, super strength characteristics, such as ultra light bullet-proof vests, ultra-thin ultralight materials, and so on. According to its excellent electrical conductivity, it also has great potential in the field of microelectronics. Graphene maybe a possible alternative to silicon to manufacture miniature transistor. Besides, graphene material is a good modification agent. Because of its high conductivity and high surface area in new energy field, it may be useful as an electrode material AIDS.

Graphene has a diversified application in lithium ion battery, currently it used as conductive additives in cathode material to improve electrode material of conductive performance, magnification performance and cycle life. Added 2% graphene can make phosphate iron lithium pole pieces of resistance rate reduce to 1 ω cm. This is far over the effect of equal quality proportion of carbon nano tube or conductive carbon black.

Graphene oxide has great effective on inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli, and it will not harm human cells. If graphene oxide also has antibacterial activity on other bacteria, then a range of new applications may be found. Studies have shown that Graphene filters may be substantially more than other desalination technologies. As Graphene can modify chemistry capabilities, large contact area, foot-inch thickness of the atom, molecular gate structure, it can be be used in bacteria detection and diagnosis devices.

The unique two-dimensional structure of graphene makes it has a bright prospect in the field of sensor. Single Atom adsorption and release process can be directly observed by transmission electron microscope. By measuring the Hall effect can be indirectly detected a single atom of adsorption and release process. When a gas molecule is adsorbed on the graphite surface, adsorption sites will occur localized change in electricity resistance. Of course, this effect also occurs in other substances, but graphene has a high conductivity and low-noise quality, as well as capable of detecting small changes in resistance. Read more here!


Some introduction of adhesive

Adhesives can be used for metal, glass, wood, paper, fiber, rubber, plastic and other materials bonded together, it has a rapid development and widely applications, as well as a significant impact on the improving of high-tech science and technology progress and people's daily lives. Therefore, the research, development and production of various types of adhesives are very important.

In order to satisfy specific physico-chemical characteristics, they add various auxiliary component called additives. For example, adding curing agent to make subject stick material forme network type or size structure and increase poly strength within rubber layer; adding curing promote agent or catalyst to accelerate curing and reduced reaction temperature; using antioxidant  to improve resistance atmosphere aging, hot aging, ARC aging and ozone aging; adding filler to give adhesive some specific nature and reduced cost; using toughening agent to reduce adhesive rigidity and increase toughness; diluent to improve the process of reducing the viscosity and prolong life, and so on.

Temperature resistance is one of the excellent characteristics of inorganic adhesives. Usually inorganic adhesive is used in 1500~1750, but Phosphoric acid copper oxide adhesive has a more wide range temperature resistance which can be used 180~1400. By the way, bonding technology is a non-destructive connection technology, it improves the bonding interface and extende service life because of overall ability to withstand load.

There are some attentions about the storage. Each of these products have a shelf life. Acording to the international standard and national standard, store at room temperature 24 and Acrylic plastic is 20 degrees centigrade. The higher the temperature is, the shorter storage period acrylic product is. For water-based products, if the temperature is below 1 , it will has a direct impact on product quality.

Due to the adhesive can achieve same or dissimilar materials connections, the connection without stress, high adhesive strength, easy to realize combining automation, etc, it is widely used in all areas of national economy.  The rapid development of the national economy also provides a broad space for the development of the adhesives industry. Adhesive industry in addition to the continued rapid growth of production and marketing in China, adhesive technical level is also rising, a large number of advanced level products are developed. The trend is multi-functional, modification, and the applications focus towards emerging industries such as new energy, energy saving and environmental protection trend. If you have interest, please check this website to get more, thanks!


Prices trends for disperse dyes

The G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou in September, and in order to ensure the environment and air quality standards, Hangzhou Municipal Government take strict environmental protection measures to Hangzhou and the surrounding area's. There are many dyes, vitamins and other production enterprises in Hangzhou and the surrounding area, also accounted for a large proportion in the production capacity across the country. As a result, these measures have a large effect on dyes, vitamins and other industries, small enterprises and intermediate manufacturers gradually shut down capacity since July, leading enterprises began to stop production in August. They will not have any production until the end of Summit. Some enterprises of dyes, vitamins to stop production leading to tight supplies, then the prices rise, but the leading enterprises will benefit from the product price rise with the greater productivity advantages from the short discontinued time.

The price of disperse dyes rises in July 1st, the price of disperse black ECT300% raised to 33 Yuan/kg, and other breeds with an average gain of about 10% rise rates. As the G20 Summit will be held in September, piece goods and raw materials and textile clothing enterprises have to plan ahead, the demand of dyes is expected to move forward. Meanwhile, Government efforts to enhance environmental governance, the h acid dyes intermediates are checked strictly, and punishment for unqualified enterprises, these will lead to contractions in supply.

Currently it is off-season, dyes price is expected to rise with the second half of season. Compared to reactive dyes, the prices of disperse dyes maybe more optimistic. Disperse dye industry is a typical oligopolistic markets, total capacity of disperse dyes are around 400,000 tons in domestic. But the viscose staple fiber prices continue rise in off-season in China. Information from the industry shows that it rise up 300 yuan/ton in July 11th, and the viscose staple high-end offer further raised 200 yuan per ton to 14600 Yuan/ton in July 12. At present, industry capacity utilization has reached 90%, and cotton futures continue to rise since March this year, so viscose staple fibre as a substitute for cotton will follow this situation. If you have interest to okchem, check this website , thanks!


Some basic raw materials used in cosmetics

Hydrocarbons are compounds consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms, mainly containing alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatics. Hydrocarbons are a class of carbohydrates derived from a source of naturally occurring mineral finishing. Their high boiling point is more than 300 ℃. According to their nature and structure, it can be divided into aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It mainly has solvent effect to prevent the evaporation of surface moisture and improve moisturizing effect in cosmetics. Commonly used in cosmetic hydrocarbon are liquid paraffin, paraffin wax, micro-crystalline wax, wax, vaseline, etc.

Vaseline is also called mineral grease, it is white and pale yellow uniform paste. It is mainly mixtures of C16-C32 high carbon alkanes and higher olefins. The fetures are tasteless, odorless, good chemical inertness and adhesion, cheap, lipophilic and high density and so on. It used in skin care cream, decorated with class, beauty, cosmetics, such as cleansing cream, beauty cream, pomade, lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara and hair cream, and so on. In the pharmaceutical industry used as an important ingredient cream base, or drug-containing cosmetics.

Wax in cosmetics is divided into two levels, first melting point of 74-78 degrees mainly as emulsion products raw materials, secondary melting point at 66-68 degrees, mainly used as important raw materials such as wax. Wax is made of high-carbon fatty acids and high fatty alcohol esters. Such esters in cosmetics functioned to stability, adjusting viscosity, less greasy, and so on. Carnauba wax, Candelilla wax, jojoba wax esters, beeswax, wood wax, wool, etc are the main waxes used in cosmetic.

Oily materials including raw materials of natural oil and synthetic oil. It mainly refers to the main raw materials of cosmetics such as grease, wax hydrocarbons, fatty acids, fatty alcohols, esters, and so on. Grease is a general term for oils and fats, fats include vegetable oils and animal fats. The main components of oil fatty acid glycerides composed of fatty acids and glycerol.

Stain is the main ingredient in cosmetics. The advantages and disadvantages of colorants depending on the coverage and firmness of colorant. Colorants used in cosmetics can be classified into: synthetic organic colouring agent, inorganic pigments, plants and animals natural coloring agents and pearlescent pigments.
Add preservatives to cosmetics is to deal with microbial in the secondary pollution caused by consumer use, such as microorganisms in the air,dirty hands pull the product out from the bottle. Usually it has strict control in the production process. Meanwhile, experts say most preservatives are relatively safe, or it cannot lawfully be added to the product. If you have interest, click here now!


Raw materials for cosmetics

Cosmetics are an important part of daily-used chemical products, they are usually divided into perfumes, cosmetics and toiletry hygiene kits three categories. According to use it can be classified to use of skin care, hair care class, medicinal cosmetics, beauty products, perfume and cosmetics for children, and so on. They have clean, beautify and protect the body and tooth conditioner, and improving environmental health and other functions.

The main raw materials for cosmetics normally are generic matrix ingredients and natural additives. Cosmetics General matrix raw materials including oily raw materials, it is the most widely used raw materials in cosmetics; surfactant can reduced water of surface tension, it can also wetting, dispersed, and sent bubble, and emulsion; moisturizing agent is cream class cosmetics essential of raw materials; preservatives and antioxidant inhibit microbial growth in cosmetics shelf life and consumers using process; ; other raw materials including UV absorption agent used for dye brunette of dye intermediate, inhibition Khan agent, removing smelly agent anti-skin cracked of raw materials, anti-acne raw materials, etc. Common additives are hydrolyzed gelatin, hyaluronic acid, superoxide dismutase (SOD), Royal Jelly, pearls, silk, mink oil, Aloe Vera, stone, organic germanium, pollen, alginic acid, Sea buckthorn, herbs, etc.

Whitening ingredients in the cream, Sunscreen agents in sunscreen cream, the functional components in anti-aging products, etc are the largest advertising cost for cosmetics company, although the content of functional materials in products is very limited, about 2% in basic, but they are basically the core of the cosmetics. Weight of the various components are small, but the efficacy will be guaranteed. According to experts, cosmetic efficacy of ingredients added to 0.5% can make a difference. If adding too much, it will bring a burden to the skin, even at risk of allergy.

Another developing trend of cosmetic raw materials is a versatile natural product. Consumers need to be able to wet skin and providing other useful function of natural products. With anti-UV properties of skin care products is the fastest-growing products in the personal care products industry, and the current trend is to develop broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreens. If you have interest to okchem, please visit our homepage https://www.okchem.com, thanks!


Variety wax in use

Cosmetics containing wax on the surface of the skin plays the role of protective and antioxidant. The wax used in the cosmetic industry can significantly improve the viscosity of the product without prejudice to the free movement. Wax is a microcrystalline wax, it has a very high melting point with about 73 degrees Celsius, but it still maintained a very good malleable, though the melting point is obviously improving when it used in the cream, but the cream is obviously soft.

Wax is esters made of high-carbon fatty acids and high fatty alcohol esters. Such esters in cosmetics is stability, adjusting viscosity, less greasy, and so on. Mainly used in cosmetic waxes are carnauba wax, Candelilla wax, jojoba wax esters, beeswax, wood wax, wool and so on. Palm waxes refined product is white or pale yellow, brittle solid, have a pleasant taste. It mainly composed of bees wax acids spent acid waxes and wax esters. It raises the melting point of wax esters in cosmetics, increase hardness, toughness and luster, but also has a tendency to reduce viscosity, plasticity and crystal, as a result it is used in products such as lipstick, mascara, hair removal wax. Candelilla wax is a solid pale yellow translucent or opaque. Composed mainly of carbohydrates, such as wax esters, fatty, high-alcohol.

Petroleum wax is mainly composed of long chain alkanes and isoparaffin. And microcrystalline waxes in addition to normal paraffin, it also contain many carbon-saturated hydrogen compounds with long chain and ring. So the wax melting point, molecular weight and melt viscosity of microcrystalline is higher than petroleum wax. These ingredients commonly used in lipsticks, lipstick, hair wax and powder. Currently, chemical synthesis ways have replaced the crude way to make petroleum jelly and petroleum wax, this not only provides higher stability and safety, but can use a different mix of ingredients to creat a variety of different products to meet the cosmetics and medicine for different needs.

It has many advantages in uses. When it used in cosmetic, it has adhesion resistance, permeability, emulsification, smooth and very fine, si it is widely used in creams, face creams, lipsticks, hair oil, brow pencils, eye shadow, such as production. The sculpting, film-and waterproof, damp-proof, anti-oxidation effect of wax makes it used in food industry and household use as barbeque. It is widely used as an ointment base, proprietary Chinese medicines packaging in pharmaceutical industry. Beeswax is also widely used in electric power industry, electronics industry, printing industry, leather industry, oil industry, paper industry and the candle industry, and so on. If you have interest to okchem, please click here to get more here!


Lanolin derivatives used in various cosmetic

The use of lanolin and its derivatives in cosmetics has matured in recent years. According to statistics, raw wool in the world with an annual output of about 2.5 million tons, the attached lanolin is about 250,000 tons, but the recycling utilization is just 10%. Japan with an annual output of 10,000 tons, about 60 countries in the world now exports lanolin,  refined lanolin about 10%~20% for medicine, the rest are used in cosmetics. Lanolin has many uses in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Its composition is made up of higher alcohols and formation of natural esters of higher fatty acid mixtures.

Lanolin derivatives include wool alcohols, lanolin acid, pure wool wax, ACETYLATED lanolin wax, ACETYLATED lanolin alcohol, ethoxylated  hydrogenated lanolin, etc. Lanolin alcohol is pale yellow to light brown waxy solid, slight odor, insoluble in water, and better performance than lanolin, so they are widely used in various cosmetic, such as baby products, dry skin, skin care, cream, lotion.  Lanolin acid are often used in shaving cream because it has a good moisturizing effect on the skin.

Lanolin can make the skin smooth and soft. It was first found that Australian sheep workers hands are generally more tender, later research found the role of lanolin. Industry use is for the preparation of high-oil, low-temperature lubricant, printing inks, fiber oil dose, leather fat-liquoring agent, plastic plasticizers, latex defoaming agent. Pharmaceutical use is for the preparation of plaster, zinc oxide adhesive plaster, ointment base. Cosmetic-grade lanolin can be used in cold cream, anti-wrinkle cream, crack cream, shampoo, Hair Conditioner, hair cream, lip balm and advanced soap. Commonly it used as a water in oil emulsion agent, it is an excellent moisturizing substances. It can make the dry or rough skin softening and be restored.

The features and benefits are many: it improves spreading coefficient of oil in the water; rub without a trace on the skin, , making skin a unique sense of smooth; it efficiently removes almost all formulations of the greasy feeling; it has certain surfactant and soluble oils, so it is suitable for cleaning the surface of the skin oil.

Here are tips for using lanolin derivatives. Because lanolin derivatives is a versatile, low viscosity of emollients, making them suitable for skin care recipes to use in cream and lotion. For it has some surfactant, thus it is an ideal to become a makeup remover and cleanser. Recommended dosage is 0.5% to 3% (depending on application). If you have interest to okchem, please visit our homepage (https://www.okchem.com)here!


Polysiloxane (silicone oil) used in cosmetic

Polysiloxane has been called silicone in history, and silicone can also occur in certain situations, such as catalogs. In China, silane monomers and siloxane compounds are known collectively as Silicones, and polysiloxane liquid is called silicone, polysiloxane rubbers is called silicone, and called polysiloxane resins as silicone resins.

Role of polysiloxane

New cosmetic formulations are almost contain silicone compounds, and silicone compounds in personal care products have achieved remarkable growth. Siloxane polymers composed of different kinds of compounds, including traditional silicone oils, water soluble polymers, oil-soluble polymer solubility, soluble fluoride polymer and a variety of polymers. They exist in various forms, from low viscosity fluids to flexible elastomer and synthetic resins.

Silicone as surfactant is growing popularity in recent years. Especially in cosmetic, because of its excellent performance of smooth, soft and bright, elegant, it is loved by a vast number of consumers. Siloxane-containing skin care, skin cleansers, hair care, shampoo, perfume, lipstick, toothpaste, etc products are being recognized, and modified silicone surfactants have been developed and applied.

Silicone surfactant for its physical inertia, chemical stability, it is no smelly, nontoxic, chemical degradation, not accumulated, no allergy, lower of surface tension, strong of anti-water, it can formed uniform waterproof breathable and lubrication performance good of protection film in skin surface, this makes silicon oil get quickly development in the application of cosmetics. So it can be used in various cosmetics such as cream cream, emulsion, wash surface milk, lipstick, dry sliding dual-use powder cake, added fat powder, shampoo, nursing sent pigment, mousse and stereotypes Hairspray, skin care, nursing sent, beauty, and salon, etc.

Consumers in their daily lives demand for nursing homes hair gradually enriched and improved, such as the demand for hair moisturizing daily nursing care. Because silicone has a very low surface tension, evenly on the hair surface forms a thin protective layer to prevent water evaporation in the hair, it forms a moisturizing hair mask ingredients. The hair moisturizing technology of polysiloxane can bring no frizz and soft effect.

Application of microencapsulation develops a more convenient way of silicone oil use, compound silicone oil and other conditioning moisturizing ingredients are made into microcapsules, adding it to a regular shampoo, it achieved the high-end performance shampoo, and it significantly reduces cost and simplifies the production process.

In addition, continuous improvement over the existing technology to get a new silicone, the development of high performance silicone, making it both rational adjustment, moisturizing, antibacterial sterilization, UV-resistant, and other special needs will also be the future research directions. If you have interest to okchem, read more here!


The production and application of fatty acid

Fatty acid is a carboxylic acid compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen from hydrocarbon groups link posed by the carboxyl group. The main component of fat is triglycerides formed by three long chain fatty acids and glycerol. Lower fatty acid is a colorless liquid with pungent, fatty acids are of high waxy solid with no obvious smell odors. Fatty acids are the simplest form of fat, it is a lot more complex lipid composition. In case of adequate oxygen supply, fatty acids oxidate to CO2 and H2O and release large amounts of energy.

Fatty acids can be used in production of styrene-butadiene rubber emulsifiers and surfactants, lubricants, Polish, it also can be used to produce the high SOAP and transparent SOAP and stearic acid and various surfactant intermediates. Fatty acids are mainly from natural oils, paraffin wax oxidation or pine in waste paper recovery obtained by distillation of tall oil. At present, the natural plant and animal oils and fats by hydrolysis, distillation in the production of fatty acids accounted for more than 4/5 of total fatty acid, it is the world's main source of fatty acids.

There are more than 40 different types of fatty acids in nature, which are key components of lipids. Many lipids physical properties depend on the saturated of fatty acids and carbon chain length, but only even number of carbon atoms of the fatty acid can be absorbed by human. Fatty acids can be classified according to their structure, the nutrition angle or its nutritional value to the human body. According to the classification of different carbon chain length, it can be divided into short-chain (2~4-containing atoms of carbon) fatty acids; medium-chain (6~12-containing carbon atoms) and long chain fatty acids (with more than 14 carbon atoms) fatty acid fatty acid classes.

Southeast Asia is rich in Palm oil and coconut oil. Palm kernel oil and coconut oil is to provide raw material for production of C8-14 fatty acids, they are mainly used for the production of surfactants. Palm oil is to provide raw material for production of C16-18 fatty acids, mainly for the production of stearic acid and its salts and esters, cationic surfactants and plastic additives.

Production of fatty acids present is mainly use Palm oil, cotton seed oil, cottonseed oil and canola oil as raw material. Fatty acids are important raw materials of organic chemicals and fine chemical, the downstream derivatives produced by fatty acids are widely used in textile printing and dyeing, food, medicine, daily chemical, petroleum, chemical, rubber and plastics processing, mining, transportation, foundry, metal processing, inks, paints and pigments industry. View more at https://www.okchem.com!


Rigid polyurethane foam in industry

Polyurethane foam is the most important part in all kinds of polyurethane products, the main feature of it is porous, and thus it is relative low density and high specific strength. It can be made into soft, semi-rigid and rigid polyurethane foam according to the raw material and formula changes; it can be divided into polyester polyols, polyether and Castor oil polyurethane foam according to the variety classification; it classified into blocks, molding and spray polyurethane foam types according to their method of foam.

Rigid polyurethane foam are generally foam at room temperature, the forming process is relatively simple. Classified according to the degree of mechanization of construction, it has hand-blowing and foaming machine; classified according to the foam pressure, it has high pressure foaming and low pressure foam; according to molding it can be divided into pouring of foaming and spraying foam.

Rigid polyurethane foam is polymeric organic material prepared by polymerization of polyether and isocyanate. Waterproof and thermal insulation properties of rigid polyurethane foam materials used in industrial refrigeration, insulation, solar energy and water areas. With the development of the times, rigid polyurethane foam materials is the construction insulation and waterproofing material trends. Therefore, it is necessary for rigid polyurethane foam materials used in construction to take attaches great importance to the attitude. Polyurethane foam is the best energy-saving insulation materials at present, the performance is better than the XPS, EPS thermal insulation system.

In China construction projects, rigid polyurethane foam are widely used in insulation and waterproof roofing, and cold storage, greenhouses, grain thermal insulation. Roof, cold storage, all of which develop technical specification for the corresponding construction. As the energy- save requirements increases and technical development of rigid polyurethane foam insulation, building insulation industries pay more attention to rigid polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foams are the most important polyurethane products, it has versatility and excellent performance, soft PUR foams and semi-rigid PUR foams are mainly used for furniture padding and decorative materials, carpet backing materials, car mats, clothes lining sports pad material, building sound-absorbing materials, packaging materials as well as mattresses and instrument, and so on. Moulding of flexible polyurethane foam mainly used for car seat pad material and motorcycle, bicycle seat, while rigid polyurethane foams are mainly used for refrigerators, cold storage industry as insulation material, accounting for 57.5% of the total consumption of rigid cellular plastics.

As technology advances and the development of construction industry, polyurethane rigid foam material costs can be effectively reduced, and the application of rigid polyurethane foam materials in construction work will the popularization and promotion. Click here now!