
Maltodextrin in food industry

Maltodextrin is a starch food additives, it often act as a thickener or filler for production of commercial foods and beverages. Although it is almost tasteless, but it is often described as slightly sweet taste. Most nutrition experts agree that this material is a "zero" sum, meaning low calories, vitamins or other nutrients. It is mostly used in bulk products to increase and improve the texture and appearance. Maltodextrin is a common ingredient in sports drinks, and human body digest it as a simple carbohydrate. Some studies have shown that maltodextrin supplement can help maintain the anaerobic capacity during exercise. However, there are other studies show no effect.

The process of maltodextrin is a little more complicated. Chemists usually starts from the natural starch, in addition to the most common potatoes, there are also corn, wheat and barley. Starch must reduce the basic components, usually mixed with water in hydrolysis process. Even further by removing proteins and other components using an enzyme. Finally it get a product that is almost tasteless and white powder dissolves instantly in water.

It is one of the most common uses for malt dextrin used as a food additive to increase products viscosity. Because of the colorless, it is used in cereal, salad dressing, business volume of sauces and other food. Maltodextrin can form a gel structure and withholding water, it may have a similar texture and taste of fat when the DE value is 3~5, so it is a good fat substitutes. It is a substitutes of ice-cream, salad, sausages and other fat.

The FDA generally accepted maltodextrin are safe. There are malt dextrin, starch sweeteners in many processed foods and beverages, proper amount use may have little impact on human health, however, diabetic patients or people who need to monitor blood sugar levels should pay attention to this component. Most malt dextrin is gluten-free, even wheat or barley products are made so. This is because the finishing process removes almost all colloidal components. Even so, wheat allergy or celiac disease patients still need to avoid foods that contain this thickening agent.
But maltodextrin can be used as a simple carbohydrate intake, for it is easily to turn into instant energy. Therefore, this compounds are popular among players, and it is the ingredient of many sports drinks. If you have interest to okchem, click here, thanks!


