
Inorganic phosphorus flame retardants

Phosphorus-based flame retardants is not a new type flame retardant. But as a halogen-free systems, it is popular in the field of flame retardant. Phosphorus flame retardants are the most important one among flame retardants. There are inorganic phosphorus flame retardant agent and organophosphate flame retardants. And organophosphorus flame retardants play an important role.

Inorganic phosphorus flame retardants

Inorganic phosphorus flame retardants include red phosphorus, ammonium Polyphosphate and phosphate.

Phosphate flame retardants include di-sodium hydrogen phosphate, lithium iron phosphate, magnesium phosphate, sodium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, phosphoric acid antimony and so on. Diammonium hydrogen phosphate is generally used in synthetic fibers and rubber, rigid and flexible foams, forest fire, paper, wood; but disodium hydrogen phosphate is used in the textile, paper, and wood fire-retardant.


Ammonium Polyphosphate (APP) is considered a good performance of inorganic flame retardant. White powder, decomposition temperature greater than 256℃, polymerization degree between 10-20 is water soluble, and it is poorly soluble in water when degree of polymerization is larger than 20. APP is cheaper than organic flame retardants, low toxicity and good thermal stability. It can be used individually with other flame retardant compound for flame retardant. The use of APP is wide, one of the most important use is as a source of acid and use with carbon source and gas sources, consisting of intumescent flame retardant system. Also it can be used for other fire-retardant plastics, fibers, rubber, paper, wood, large areas fire fighting of forest and coalfield.

Red phosphorus is an inorganic flame retardant with high performance. Compared with other flame retardants, add less can reach the same levels of flame retardant, therefore it has small impact on the physical and mechanical properties of the material. However, ordinary red phosphorus has one big disadvantage, that is it easily absorb moisture oxidation and release toxic phosphine gas in the oxidation process. And common red phosphorus has poor compatibility with plastics and difficult to disperse in plastic. Besides, red phosphorus is deep red, which limits its use in polymers. In order to improve some of these shortcomings, the surface treatment of phosphorus is the main direction of research, and the most effective method is microencapsulation. Mechanism of flame retardant of red phosphorus is: heated to decomposition to form strong dehydration of metaphosphoric acid, so that the burning of polymer surface carbonized. Carbonized layer can reduce the release of flammable gases, as well as heat effect. In addition, PO • free radicals which is formed by red phosphorus and oxygen go into the gas phase can capture large H•、HO• free radicals. Next time, OKCHEM will add details about organic phosphorus flame retardants. If you have interest, please read more here or visit www.okchem.com, thanks!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/inorganic-phosphorus-flame-retardants.html


Magnesium-aluminum flame retardants

Magnesium-aluminum flame retardants mainly are magnesium hydroxide and magnesium aluminum layered double hydroxide. Now, here will introduce these two flame retardants.


Magnesium hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide flame retardant has flame retardant, smoke suppression, fills functions. It does not produce secondary pollution and accounts for more than 80% of inorganic flame retardant.

Magnesium hydroxide is nontoxic, noncorrosive and good stability. It does not produce toxic gases at high temperatures, it is considered to be the most promising. Compared with aluminium hydroxide (ATH), it has a higher thermal stability. As the decomposition temperature is about 3 4 0 ℃, about 100 ℃ higher than ATH, so it can be used for many engineering plastics. Its heat-absorbing is about 17% higher than ATH; smoke-suppressant is better than ATH; hardness is lower than ATH, this extend the life of flame retardant polymer.

Thermal decomposition temperature of magnesium hydroxide is 140 ℃ higher than that of aluminum hydroxide, this makes the synthetic material that add magnesium hydroxide withstand higher processing temperatures, also it helps to improve efficiency of flame retardant. The diameter of magnesium hydroxide particles is small, so it has small wear to equipment.

Because magnesium hydroxide has more advantages than the aluminum hydroxide, the proportion of consumption of magnesium hydroxide is growing. Compared with similar inorganic flame retardant, magnesium hydroxide has have better smoke-suppressant effect. It has no harmful emissions during the process of production, use and waste, also neutralize the acidic and corrosive gases produced in the combustion process.

Layer aluminum magnesium double hydroxide (LDH)

LDH is one of the most common and good thermal stability of double hydroxide. Because of its layers contain changeable anions, layered double hydroxides (LDHs) also called anionic clay. As a kind of important clay minerals, it has been widely used in various areas of industrial production, such as flame retardants, catalyst precursors, medical use antacids, ultraviolet, and infrared absorption materials, catalyst carriers, barrier materials, disinfection materials, PVC stabilizer, adsorption, anion exchanger, solid ion battery and so on.

The flame retardant mechanism of LDH: layer-like double hydrogen oxidation magnesium aluminum has tablets layer structure. There has hydroxy on layer board and crystal water between layers. Due to this special structure and composition, it absorb large heat when heated and decomposition, it can reduced burning system of temperature; decomposition release of water can dilute and barrier combustible gases; decomposed products are alkaline porous material, bigger than surface and can adsorb harmful gas, especially acid gas; Zn, Mg plasma exist in layer tablets is elimination smoke of effective component.

Next time, OKCHEM will add more about flame retardants. If you have interest, please click here for more or visit www.okchem.com, thanks!

Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/magnesium-aluminum-flame-retardants.html


Develop of halogen-free flame retardant

With the rapid development of science and technology, synthetic polymer materials such as plastic, rubber, fiber has come up. Most polymer composed of carbon, hydrogen, but their highly flammable brings a lot fire hazard to people's life. Therefore, the requirements to polymer material flame retardant also highlight. Add effective flame retardant is a more common method.

Flame retardant is divided into halogen flame retardant and halogen free flame retardant. Halogen-containing flame retardants that contain Cl, Br and f elements. Halogen-free flame retardant includes phosphorus series flame retardants, inorganic flame retardant magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, zinc Borate, etc. Besides, halogen-free flame retardants include intumescent flame retardant and a number of special purpose fire retardant.

There are wide range of halogen-free flame retardant, they are mainly inorganic and organic flame retardants. Currently, consumption of halogen-free flame retardant in industry mainly are phosphorus (phosphonic) acid (includes halogen-containing derivative), zinc Borate, hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, red phosphorus and antimony trioxide and so on.


Halogen-free flame retardant is one of the fastest growing material additives. The function of this product is to enable the non-fire-retardant materials with flame retardant properties. It does not burn easily or self-extinguishing under certain conditions. As halogen-free flame retardant technology advances, there are more and more kinds of halogen-free flame retardant. and its performance has been significantly improved.

Nowadays, the function of halogen-free flame retardant can be divided into two types: one is slow down the fire and stop the fire from spreading, by way of multiple function principle suppress the combustion reaction; the other is let the surface rapid foaming expanding and carbonation to form a protective.

From the perspective of overall trends on the international world of flame retardant product performance requirements become more stringent. Now, the main development trend of non-halogen flame retardant as follows: non-halogenated; halogen-free flame retardant ultrafine; halogen-free flame retardant surface treatment; study of halogen-free flame retardant system synergies. More details will be added next time. If you have interest, please click here!

Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/develop-halogen-free-flame-retardant.html


Food thickeners used in food

Food thickener is a food additive mainly used to improve and increase consistency of food, keep the color, aroma, taste and stability of the flow and gel food and improve food physical properties. Thickening agents can increase viscosity or gel formation of food, thus change the physical properties of foods, give food sticky and superb taste, as well we role of emulsifying, stabilizing or was suspended.

The commonly used thickeners in beverage production and emulsion stabilizer used thickeners mainly are carboxymethyl cellulose sodium, propylene glycol alginate, carrageenan, xanthan gum, pectin, guar gum, locust bean gum, etc.

Using properties of thickeners

Viscosity property

Most food thickeners in the concentration polarization or lower concentration consistent with Newtonian rheological properties of liquid. It showed pseudoplastic at higher concentrations. With the increase of food thickeners, viscosity of the solution also increases.

Gel properties

When the thickener concentration aboves gel critical concentration, its solution is viscous liquids in warm conditions. But when the temperature decreases, the dispersion medium are all contained in polymer network structure, forming semi-solid substances which does not flow, known as gel.

Xanthan gum is the best thickening stabilizer of soy sauce. It can significantly enhance the color of soy sauce to prevent soy sauce produce precipitation, the usual dose is between 0.05%-0.3%.


Xanthan gum solution miscible with many saline solutions, and the viscosity is not affected. CMC-Na is treated with alkali pulp or cotton wool and then chemically refined form, it is white powder or fibrous material and the major ion fiber vitamin gel.

The raw material of maltodextrin is starch. Low degree hydrolysis by acid or enzymatic to get products with the DE values below 20%. Maltodextrins are low conversion of starch, its molar mass is between starch and starch sugar. Its raw materials are corn, rice, etc.

Edible gelatin is an important ingredient and additive in the food industry, which is often used as a gelling agent, stabilizer, emulsifier, thickener and clarifying agents applied to the production of meat products, cake, ice cream, beer, fruit juice and so on.

Pectin can be applied to the manufacture of jams and jellies; prevent cakes harden; improve cheese quality; manufacture fruit juice powder and so on. Pectin is a natural polymer with good gel and emulsion stability. View more!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/food-thickeners-used-food.html


Thickeners in food industry

Thickeners has an extensive use both in food and in the industry. In food industry, food grade thickeners is applied to yogurt, jelly, ice cream and instant soya milk, sesame paste, etc; in industry, thickeners is added to printing paste, paint, glue and so on.

At present, the application of thickeners is already a combination of technology and art of food production. It offers a variety of choices to food industry. The combination of all kinds of glue has became one of many specialty products processing secrets. Food styling, taste and cost is related to proper selection of thickeners and the best combination.


Thickening effect can improve the consistency of the food. This makes material easier extruded from the container or sticks to food better, as well as keep food silky texture. For example, cellulose type of thickener used in ice cream to increase the degree of its expansion, improve melting rate, add texture and shaping capability; when used in bread it adjusts uniform cellular, reduces dregs, and increases the volume; it functions as adhesive in the processing of fish, meat, etc.

The stability makes processed food system becomes stable and reduces deterioration or damage, such as prevent aging of starch foods, prevent ice crystals in the ice cream, increase the stability and persistence of foam in beer, carbonated drinks.

Add thickeners to jelly, flavouring syrup, fudge, etc can improve gelation. Add some hydrophilic good thickener to meat products, bread, pastries, pasta and other foods not only can play a role in water retention, but also enhance or improve food texture.
Commonly used thickening agent are cellulose ethers and their derivatives, associating alkali swelling thickener and polyurethane thickeners.

1 Cellulose ethers and their derivatives: this kind of thickeners are mainly hydroxyethyl cellulose, methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose, ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, etc.

2 Alkaline swelling of thickeners: including non-associative alkali swelling thickeners and associating alkali swelling thickeners.

3 Urethane thickeners and hydrophobically modified non-polyurethane thickeners: polyurethane thickeners is a hydrophobic groups modified ethoxy-polyurethane water soluble polymers, it belongs to nonionic associative thickener. The development of environment-friendly polyurethane thickener has received attention. More about food thickeners will be add next time, If you have interest, view more here, thanks!


Introduction of food antioxidants in use

Food antioxidants usually used in oil and oil-containing foods. The effect is prevent or delay the oxidation of food, but it can not change the oxidation results, so it must be added before lipid oxidation. When using phenol antioxidants, adding certain acids such as citric acid and phosphoric acid at the same time, this can significantly improve the antioxidant effect. These acids are called synergists. Generally considered they can chelation with promote oxidation of trace amount of metal ion, so that it plays a role of antioxidant synergistic.

Synthetic antioxidants, such as ascorbic acid and its sodium salts are safe. The antioxidant role of erythorbic acid and its sodium salt is the same with ascorbic acid and its sodium salt. And the low price is conducive to the further development and application. Here are several brief introduction about food antioxidants of OKCHEM:

Ascorbic acid

It is also called Vitamin C. It is almost white crystals crystalline powder, odorless or almost odorless and tasted sour, easily soluble in water but insoluble in ether and chloroform. In addition to increasing the manufacture of interferon, vitamin c is a potent T-effector cell stimulus, as well as a very strong antioxidant. Vitamin c reduces lipid production in the brain and spinal cord. But this manufacturing process is often induce by free radicals and bring damage. These parts can use large amounts of vitamin c to protect. Through barrier between blood and brain, when a bio-flavonoids called Orange Peel is exists, vitamin c is a potent free radical scavenger.

Erythorbic Acid


Erythorbic acid and its sodium salt has a wide range of uses, such as food antioxidants, preservatives, as well as in addition, medical, chemical. Of course the main applications is in the area of food processing. Along with our beverages, meat, fruit and vegetable processing, seafood, bakery and other food industry's rapid development, erythorbic acid has a very broad application prospects.

Sodium Erythorbate

The other Name is sodium D-isoascorbate. It's appearance is white or slightly yellow crystalline powder or pellet, odorless, a little salty and dissolvable in water. Sodium erythorbate is an important antioxidant in food industry, as it can keep the color, natural flavor of foods. They are mainly used in meat processing, fruits, vegetable, tin and jam etc. Also they are used in drinks, such as beer, grape wine, soft drink, fruit tea and fruit juice etc. But it must be stored in the warehouse of ventilation, dry and shady and cool, and cannot be mixed with poisonous.

Other more details will be added next time. If you have interest to food antioxidants and other food additives, please click here to get more or visit okchem.com website, thanks!
Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/introduction-food-antioxidants-use.html


The use of antioxidant in food


Food antioxidant plays an important role in food production, but its role is more complicated. Ascorbic acid, erythorbic acid and its sodium salt themselves are easy to oxidize, so it can protect food against oxidation. BHA and BHT phenolic antioxidants maybe combined with peroxides produced by lipid oxidation, then interrupt the oxidation reaction chain to prevent oxidation. Other antioxidants may inhibit or destroy oxidase activity to prevent oxidation.

Due to there are many kinds of antioxidants, the mechanism of antioxidant are not the same. there are many possibilities. There are four main types: through the reduction of antioxidants to reduce the oxygen content in the food system; interrupt the polymerase chain reaction in oxidizing process to prevent further oxidation process; damage, reduce oxidative enzyme activity, so that it cannot be catalytic oxidation; close the substances that can be catalyzed or can be caused oxidation reaction, such as complex catalyzes the oxidation of metal ions.

Antioxidants are divided into natural antioxidants and synthetic antioxidants by source. But the solubility classification are as follows:

1 Oil-soluble antioxidants
The commonly used are butyl hydroxy anisole (BHA), ethoxyquin hydroxy toluene (BHT), Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) and other synthesis oil-soluble antioxidants; Mixed tocopherols concentrate and guaiac resin and other natural oil-soluble antioxidants.

2 Water-soluble antioxidants
Including Ascorbic acid and its sodium salts, erythorbic acid and its sodium salts and other synthetic products.

3 Compatibility antioxidant
Lipoic acid (alpha lipoic acid) is a free base that can elimination accelerated aging and pathogenic. It is similar to vitamin. Lipoic acid is enzyme exists in mitochondrial, sulfur bitter in body into cell after intestinal absorption. As it is both fat soluble and water soluble, so it can unhindered access in body.

But before using, people should fully understand the antioxidant properties. Master the add time of antioxidant is important. Pay attention to compound of antioxidants, synergistic agent and stabilizing agent, also choose the right amount. What's more, control factors that influence the effect of antioxidants. If you want to know more details and products of food antioxidant, send us email to marketing@okchem.com or click here, hope this can help you, thanks!

Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/use-antioxidant-food.html.


Introduction about several photoinitiators

Photoinitiators is also called photosensitizer or light curing agents. It is a kind of energy absorbing certain wavelengths in ultraviolet light (250~420nm) or visible region (400~800nm) and produce free radicals and cations, thus it triggers polymerization of cross-linked compounds.

Here are several commonly used photoinitiators from OKCHEM

Photoinitiator 184


Product Name : l-Hydroxy-Cyclohexyl-Phenyl-Ketone
Molecular Weight : 204.3
CAS No. : 947-19-3
Appearance: white crystalline powder
Melting point (°C) : 44-48
Applications: 184 applied to copying varnishes, plastics, paint, wood paint, adhesives, offset inks, screen printing inks, flexographic inks, electronic products. Generally, added with other photo-initiator. It can be used with UV absorbers if required. 2-5%w/w is recommended.
As highly efficient photoinitiator for UV curable systems, it provides non-yellowing durability and longer shelf life for UV curable systems.

Photoinitiator TPO

Product Name : 2,4,6-Trimethylbenzoyldiphenylphosphine oxide
Molecular Weight : 348.38
CAS No. : 75980-60-8
Melting point (°C) : 91-94
Appearance : Light yellow crystalline powder
Applications: TPO is an effective photoinitiator for UV-curable based coatings, adhesives, inks and printing plates. It can make white paint and thick coating (TiO2 as white pigment) fully cured. TPO is a powerful free radicals (I) type of photoinitiator, especially suitable for coloured system and areas of thick film curing. 0.5-4%w/w is recommended.

Photoinitiator 819

Product Name : Phenyl bis(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)-phosphine oxide
Molecular Formula : C26H27O3 P
Molecular Weight : 418.46
CAS No. : 162881-26-7
Melting point (°C) : 127-132
Applications: It can be used in UV-curable varnish and paint system, such as wood, paper, matel, plastic, printing ink, etc. Usually, it will be used together with 184 and BDK.

Photoinitiator 1173

Product Name : 2-Hydroxy-2-Methyl-Phenyl-Propane-1-one
Molecular Formula : C10H12O2
Molecular Weight : 164.2
CAS No. : 7473-98-5
Appearance : Colorless to pale yellow and clear liquid
Applications: As a liquid photoinitiators, 1173 has a very good compatibility and can easily mix with other photo-initiator and prepolymer. 1173 is a photoinitiator for UV curing acrylic resin for coating wood, metal, paper and plastic etc. It provides non-yellowing durability and longer shelf life for UV curable systems.


The above information is provided as guidelines only. It is important that the customers evaluate any product in their own system to determine suitability.
If you want to know more details of photoinitiators, send us email to marketing@okchem.com or click here to get more here, hope this can help you, thanks!

Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/introduction-several-photoinitiators.html


Photoinitiators and its advantages

In the UV curing systems, such as UV gel, UV coating, UV ink, after accepting or absorbing energy, they themselves have a chemical change, decomposed into free radical or cationic, then polymerization.

Photoinitiators, also known as photosensitizer or photocuring agent. It can absorb certain wavelengths of energy in ultraviolet light (250~420nm) or visible light (400~800nm), it produces free radicals and cations, etc, triggering monomer polymerization crosslinking curing compounds.

Ideal photoinitiators should have the following advantages:
1 cheap and simple synthesis
2 photoinitiator and light products should be nontoxic and odorless
3 good stability, easy to store for a long time
4 the absorption spectra of photo initiator must match with the emission spectrum of the radiation source, and has a higher molar extinction coefficient
5 higher efficiency jump between initiator channeling of photoinitiation
6 the higher efficiency


The developing trend of photoinitiators focuses on hybrid, visible light type, water base, macromolecules, and the use of dual-cure.

Radiation curing technology is an energy-saving environmental technology. Purple outside light (UV), electron beam (EB), infrared light, visible light, laser, chemical fluorescent and other radiation light irradiation curing completely meet "5E" features: efficient, practical, economical, energy-saving and environment friendly. Therefore, it is called green technology. Photoinitiator is one of the important components of UV-curable adhesives. It plays a decisive role in curing speed. After UV exposure and absorb light energy, photoinitiators divided into 2 active free radicals, initiated photosensitive resin and has chain polymerization with active diluent makes adhesive crosslinking curing, which is characterized by fast, environmental protection and energy saving.

Selection principles:
1 According to oligomers and monomers type select suitable activity photoinitiator.
2 Has good solubility and reactivity, low consumption, high raise efficiency.
3 Has a certain degree of thermal stability. It don't breaking up under 85℃, there should be stored for a long time stability.
4 It's better composite using of several photoinitiators, it can cause curing in different wavelength ranges. The curing speed is higher than single photo-initiators.
5 The photoinitiator used with the EDAB amine accelerator.
6 Small odor, non-toxic and pollution-free environment.
If you have interest, read more here, thanks! Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/photoinitiators-and-its-advantages.html .


Many uses of softener

The requirements to softener are as follows:

1 with excellent softness, smoothness, fluffy

2 little influence on the whiteness of the fiber and fabric, as well as dyeing fastness

3 the working fluid has a reasonably stability during the processing of various soft conditions (impregnation, padding, changes in temperature, PH, etc)

4 after softening finishing of fibers and fabrics is not suitable for heat discoloration, it should not have colour, odour and texture changes during storage

5 if the softener is emulsion, the emulsion stability to better

6 no adverse effects after skin contact, in line with the requirements of environmental protection

7 according to different requirements, they should have appropriate absorption capacity, water repellent and anti-static properties

Use of softener


Softening agent in the application can use the padding method, exhaust dyeing method. Sometimes in the dye bath and dye at the same time; sometimes , it is added after the dye over and cooled, also it is added in the cleaning bath.

During soft processing, effective ingredients of fiber general is controlled in 0.5~7.0%, processing of temperature makes cation soft agent easy adsorption, due to the big polar of fiber and the soft agent basic raw materials. So when it controlled in 70 ℃ around, anion softener is on the contrary to cation system, then it is difficult adsorbed by fibers. Non-ion softener is not influenced by processing temperature, so soft processing can be handled at room temperature.

Acrylic fibers containing anion radicals, so it usually by dyeing with cationic dyes. Generally they are treated by cationic softener, so it has little effect on color. Meanwhile, as the fibers with anionic radicals, softeners have good adhesion.

Cellulose fibers, such as treated by direct dyes and anionic brightener. Many factories are using anionic softeners to avoid affecting color. But when the cotton fibers dye with a solid dye such as restore, curing and active dye, cationic softener treatment available. Softeners should be carefully selected to avoid yellowing and seriously affect the absorption capacity. If you have interest, read more here, thanks! Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/many-uses-softener.html


Non-cured rubber waterproof coating

Nowadays, more and more consumers pay attention to environmental protection and health, especially the indoor air pollution. "Green" coating that is a new concept, a concept of integrated environmental protection.

With the improvement requirements of building quality at home and abroad, waterproof coating that can make buildings durable waterproofing and easy maintenance after waterproofing construction has been accepted and recognized. Non-curable rubber waterproof coating are being widely used for various construction projects in the country in recent years, as it has a lasting bond, elongation of large scale, excellent anti-aging properties.


The most basic requirement of the waterproof coating is bond strength, whether the bond with foundation or cross stick with other materials. Factors that influence the adhesion of non-curable rubber waterproof coating are low-temperature, oil isolation movements and the material itself bonding properties.Due to the non-cured rubber waterproof coating materials include asphalt material and asphalt crack at low temperatures, so producers must modify asphalt. If the formula is not reasonable, properties of the low temperature resistance will be reduced. Once there has gravity at low temperature conditions, it will break powder, waterproof function is immediately invalidated.

The bond base material of non-curing rubber waterproof coating are cement surface and the other volume material. Whether cement surface or volume material, they cannot contact oil or mineral oil. Especially cement surface, cement, once contact oil class, this oil will penetration to the inside of cement, then damage the inside molecular structure. This led to cement base material early degradation powder, reduce cement strength. Meanwhile, water penetration through cement and contact with steel makes steel easy rust.

Oil substances after migration, resulting in non-curable rubber waterproof coating to harden and lose stickiness. Oil substances under the climatic environment is easy to migrate the segregation, it is recommended that any oil matter is not added when production non-curing. If you have interest, read more about OKCHEM here, thanks! Source: https://www.okchem.com/news/non-cured-rubber-waterproof-coating.html


Main components of coatings

Film-forming material
Film-forming material is the basis of coatings. It plays a decisive role in coating and performance. Material can be used as the film's are many, and modern coating industry mainly uses the resin. Resin is a amorphous of organic, it usually refers to polymers. Now it widely uses synthetic resins, such as alkyd, epoxy resin, acrylic resin, chlorinated rubber resin.



It is a main component of the color coatings. Pigments give film colors and make the coating has the ability to cover the coated object. Some pigments can provide properties such as improve the mechanical properties of paint films, improve paint durability, provide protection against corrosion, electrical conductivity, flame retardants and so on. Pigments can be divided into natural and synthetic pigments by source; according to chemical composition they are consists of inorganic and organic pigments; classified by role in the coating, they are colouring pigments, extenders and special pigments. Inorganic pigments is the most widely used one in coating, synthetic pigments are widely used also, now organic pigment developed rapidly.

This chemical can dissolve or disperse film-forming substances into uniform liquid of paint so that construction into film. Solvent in principle does not constitute film and should not remain in the film. Many chemicals including water, inorganic compounds and organic compounds can be used as the solvent composition of coatings. Some of the solvents are added during the coatings manufacturing, some are added in the coatings construction.

Additives are also known as the auxiliary material component of coatings. But it can't form film independently. It as a component of the film and exist in the film after the coatings into film. It has improvement function to paint or coating of a particular aspect of performance improvement. Different varieties of coating use different additives, even paints of the same type, due to its purpose of use, method or performance requirements are different, it needs to use different additives. One kind of coating can use a variety of additives in order to play a different role. If you have interest of OKCHEM chemicals raw materials, please click here!


What chemical materials are applied to leather processing?

Chemical material for leather includes enzyme, surfactant, leather wet processing agents, tanning, dyeing, fatliquoring agents, finishing agents. During leather processing, different cortex use different chemical materials to processing, this to ensure and improve the quality of the product. Similarly, in the renovating of leather care, it must also comply with the principle.

Raw hide treatment material
Raw hide processing including fresh skin antisepsis, preservation of dry skin, soak, skim, liming, pickling, hair removal and other process used chemical materials. These chemical materials used in leather processing mostly are universal acid, alkali and salt surfactants, etc. In addition to General chemical materials, there are special chemical material or common chemicals used in a single process, including leather degreaser, liming agent, preservative, insecticide, and so on.

Tanning materials
Tannins are chemicals that can increase shrinkage temperature of raw hide and made into leathers. Tanning agent forms Intermolecular bonds with two or more than two hot-spot of collagen structures. Sometimes, part of the response point in molecular chain of collagen can be added and produce more new Intermolecular cross-linking, then it has tanning effect.

Dyeing is an important process in leather production. Dyeing leather can be given a variety of bright and strong colors, improving the performance of leather. Leather dyes can be classified special dye for leather and universal dyes. The special dyes has dip-dyes and colored dyes. Universal dyes commonly used in textile dyeing of direct dyes, acid dyes, and so on.


Lubricating greasing materials
Leather fat-liquoring is an important process. Fatliquoring agent is chemical materials for leather fat-liquoring. According to the different raw materials, fatliquoring agents can be divided into natural oils (oils) and its processed products, mineral oil and its processed products, and synthetic oils.

Finishing material
Leather is processed products by various animals. In order to hide the skin defects of the original and enhance durability, leather finishing materials are developed. Basic ingredients of finishing agents are film-forming agent (or glue), coloring agent, thickening agents, levelling agents, plasticizers, softeners, Crosslinking agents and other auxiliary materials.

Functional finishing materials
Functional finishing material make up for leather tanning and finishing defects or improve, add some features. According to recent developments, fillers, feeling agents, preservatives and other functional finishing materials have become independent system. They are indispensable to the production of high-grade leather material.

Fur materials
The process of fur production including preparation operation, tanning and finishing processes. Each process requires the use of some chemical materials. Chemical materials for fur production mostly the same with leather materials. But fur hairs need to be processed to improve the luster of hair dye and use value. If you have interest, read more here thanks!


Raw materials for wires and cables

Raw materials used in wires and cables are natural rubber, SBR, EPDM rubber, neoprene rubber, chlorosulfonated polyethylene, silicone rubber, fluorine rubber, butyl rubber, butyl rubber, nitrile rubber, Polybutadiene Rubber, oxygen, etc. And the insulated and sheathed additives are curing agent, accelerator and activator, softening agent, antioxidant, reinforcing agents, fillers, etc.


The manufacturing of wire and cable has a wide range of technology categories. For example, from the smelting and pressing of nonferrous metals to plastics, rubber, paints and other chemical technology; from fiber wrap, knitting and other textile technology to wrapped metal and metal strips longitudinally wrap and welding of metal forming process, etc.

Various materials used in manufacturing wire and cable with large a number of types, varieties, specifications. Therefore, the use of various materials, spare capacity, batch cycle and quantities required for final approval.

Rubber and wire is commonly used in producing cables. Organic polymer materials high temperature cables are mainly fluorine plastic and silicone rubber, cables are poly-fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP, commonly known as F46), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (ETFE, commonly known as the F40), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). Also methyl vinyl silicone rubber, the operating temperature range is -60℃~180℃.

Here I'd like to introduce some of the materials from OKCHEM that can manufacture wires and cables.

1 Silicone rubber is soft, resistant to ozone, corona, flame, good insulation properties, resistance to high and low temperature (-60 - 120℃), good corona resistance and arc resistance. They are safe and reliable materials in the production of wires and cables. Silicone rubber is a gelatinous material for wire and cable. Methyl vinyl silicone rubber is base glue, adding the necessary additiveSs such as reinforcing agents, structure control agents, heat-resistant agent, compatibilizers, then made by mixing, thin-pass, filtered, vulcanized and other production processing. This product is fast curing and has good mechanical and excellent extrusion properties. It can atmospheric pressure hot air curing and continuous steam curing. It suitable for extrusion wire and cable insulating layer, hoses, plastic ropes, profiled rubber strips. Also add various pigments according to needs.

2 PTFE before normal use temperature of 260℃, PTFE has excellent thermal stability. But it will thermal degradation at a higher temperature. Thermal degradation rate is related to temperature, time, pressure, environment and other factors. I will add more next time. If you have interest, read more here thanks!


Something about raw materials of cosmetics

General matrix raw materials of cosmetics including:
1 Oily raw materials
It is the most widely used raw materials in cosmetics. It plays a role in protection, wetting and making skin soft in skin care products; it stereotypes and salon in hair products.
2 Surfactant
It can reduced surface tension of water, as well as decontamination, wetting, dispersed, foam, emulsion, thickening and so on.
3 Moisturizing agent
They are essential raw materials in cream cosmetics, the role is to prevent cream cracked and keep moisture of skin.
4 Binder
It main for hairspray, and mousse and the rubber-like mask.
5 Powder materials
It mainly for the manufacturing of powder class products.
6 Pigments and dyes
It mainly used for the manufacturing of beauty modified class products.
7 Preservatives and antioxidant
It inhibits the growth of microbial during the shelf life of cosmetic and consumers using period.
8 Spices
Spices increases cosmetics fragrance and improve products worth.
9 Other raw materials
It includes UV absorption agent. It used for dye dark hair dye intermediate, perm raw materials, anti sweat agent, raw materials of prevent skin dryness, raw materials of anti acne and so on.


Generally speaking, the oily raw materials of natural origin has odor and color. This is the shortage of preparation of cosmetics. Meanwhile, synthetic and semi synthetic raw material has visible improvements in smell and color.

Oil has a great influence on the viscosity of cosmetics, and the viscosity is related to the spread, stability, use of cosmetics.

As is known to all, powder materials is widely used in cosmetics, such as cosmetics powder, body powder, face powder, pressed powder, lipstick, blush and eye shadow, etc. The commonly used ingredients in cosmetics are inorganic powder materials, organic powder materials and other silty material. At the same time, the use standard should not exceed the national hygienic standard for cosmetics content.

The common used powder in cosmetics are talc, kaolin, MICA powder, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, Silicon oxide, iron oxide pigments, Lake, nylon powder. If you have interest, click here get more please!


Powder materials of cosmetics raw material

Cosmetics based on natural, synthetic or extracted from the various effects of different substances as raw materials, the chemical mixtures processed by heating, mixing procedures, emulsifying and so on. The cosmetic raw materials with a wide variety and different properties. According to the properties and uses, cosmetics raw material can be roughly divided into matrix raw materials and auxiliary materials.

The former is a main raw material for cosmetics, which occupies a larger proportion in cosmetic formulations. It plays a major role in the cosmetic. Latter plays a role in forming, stable and giving the color, aroma, and other characteristics of cosmetics. The dosage of these substances in cosmetic formulations is small, but they are extremely important. Different materials have different properties and uses, it can produce different levels of brand of cosmetic raw materials by the difference of the material structure and the performance.


Here is about powder materials of cosmetics raw material. Inorganic powder used in cosmetics raw materials are talc, kaolin, bentonite, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, titanium dioxide, Octyl chalk, Diatomite, and so on.
1 Talc
Talcum powder is a natural silicate composed mainly of magnesium silicate containing water. The characteristics are color white, smooth, soft, without any chemical reactions on the skin. It primarily used as important raw materials of face powder, pressed powder, rouge and other powder makeup.
2 Kaolin
Kaolin is also called white clay. Its main components for containing water silicate aluminum. It is white or light yellow fine powder, good adhesion performance on skin. It inhibits sebum and the sucking Khan of performance. It eases and eliminates the gloss of talcum powder when using with talcum powder in cosmetic.
3 Bentonite
It is mainly used for LaTeX products such as suspensions and pressed powders in cosmetic.
4 Titanium Dioxide
Odorless, tasteless, white, amorphous fine powder particles, it has strong covering power and low UV transmittance. Therefore, it applied to sunscreen, as well as important powder type cosmetic cover agent such as eye shadow, powder, face powder, pressed powder, blush, etc.
5 Silicon Powder
PMS 310 is ball-shaped poly methyl silicone half-siloxane silicone powder, its average diameter is 3-10 microns. The silicone powder is made by special technology. It has the advantages of organic and inorganic powders, with a smooth and silky skin feel and excellent water resistance. It is different from the chilled feeling of inorganic mineral powder, its silicone properties makes the touch soft, flexible, smooth as silk. Organic powder materials are zinc stearate, magnesium stearate, polystyrene, polyethylene powder, etc. It mainly used as adsorption agents in powder cosmetics of talcum powder, face powder, pressed powder, blush and so on. If you have interest, please click here thanks!