
Surfactant used in paper-making industry

Surfactants for deinking of waste paper has reached as much as 7000t in a year in China This indicates that surfactant is more and more important in improving pulping process and performance of paper. Add good penetration anionic and non-ionic surfactants in the bleaching process can achieves a uniform bleaching effect. Add washing active substances alkyl benzene sulfonic acid sodium or nonylphenol ethoxylate in the pulp bleaching process can get a good washing effect. Surfactants have a wide range of applications in deinked, paper sizing, blanket washing and paper coating pigment dispersant. etc.

For liquid interface, surfactant can through reduced interface tension to increases wetting and improve penetration role, some branched-chain structure or more alkyl structure of surfactant has good of wetting performance, such as fast penetration agent and penetration agent JFC, using wetting role of surfactant during pulp process, and accelerate cooking additives and other additives of penetration and uniform dispersed role on cooking raw materials.

With the increasing of environmental pressure, in order to alleviate the lack of pulp and raw materials and reduce pollution, save energy, reduce costs, etc, waste paper recycling attracted more and more attention.

Commonly used deinking agents are made up of surfactants and inorganic drugs or various surfactant blends. Commonly used anionic surfactant in deinking agents formula are potassium soap, sulfonic of oil, straight chain alkyl benzene sulfonic acid sodium, fat alcohol sulfate, sulfonic base succinate II Xin ester sodium salt, fat alcohol poly oxygen vinyl ether sulfuric acid ester sodium salt, etc, as well as alkyl phenol poly oxygen vinyl ether fat alcohol poly oxygen vinyl ether, poly ether, poly oxygen vinyl loss sorbic alcohol fatty acids ester, fatty acids poly oxygen vinyl ester, and other non-ion surfactant.

With the popularity and importance of the application of surfactants in paper-making industry, and the application of surfactant in papermaking in China have developed greatly. With the requirements to paper of industrial use increasing, development of additives for paper paid more and more attention, such as organic fluoride gel, silicone waterproofing agent, lubricant calcium stearate, polyethylene oxide isolation agent emulsifying and the developmnet of other special surfactant. Especially the low cost organic fluorine, silicone and other special surfactant study on application of papermaking. Click here now!


