
Use trend of inorganic pigments

Inorganic pigments are pigments based on natural minerals or made by inorganic compounds. Generally, they are low purity, darker color, but at a low price. They are widely used in paints, plastics, synthetic fibers, rubber, construction materials, stationery, paint, ink, paper, glass, enamel, ceramics and other industrial sectors.

In the early 80s, inorganic pigments production capacity is 3.6Mt in the world, including: titanium dioxide is 74%, iron oxide pigments is 14.6%, chrome is 5%, anticorrosive pigment is 4.6%, chrome Green is 1%, cadmium pigments is 0.2%, etc. The annual production capacity of novel compound dye has risen to 10Kt. China inorganic pigment manufacturers are more than hundred, total output is above 200Kt.

Pigments are divided into organic pigments and inorganic pigments. Organic pigments made from pigments extracted from plants, it contains no harmful elements, which belongs to the green pigment. Inorganic pigment extract pigments from minerals, such as selenium, cadmium, chromium, etc.

Basic optical properties and dyes properties of inorganic pigments mainly determined by the following three aspects:

a. difference in refractive index between pigments and dispersion medium;
b. the light is absorbed by the solid (including impurities in solids);
c. particle size and particle size distribution. The particle size and particle size distribution can be improved by surface treatment.

In paint production process, however fine pigment powder, there will always contain some aggregation and flocculation of particles. Due to compression or moisture, pigments will be further cemented flocculation of particles in the course of transport and storage. If an appropriate surfactant treatment, these flocculation of particles can easily be dispersed in use.

Tendency of research and development of new inorganic pigments in recent years are:

1. develop complex pigments, such as light blue (CoO • Cr2O3• Al2O3), titanium-nickel yellow (TiO2 • NiO• Sb2O3) and so on. Add oxides of chromium, cobalt, iron and zinc to nickel titanium, antimony salts can make yellow, green, blue, brown, etc pigments that are high temperature resistance, durability, chemical resistance and low toxicity to nontoxic. They are bright and have excellent performance, can be used for building materials, paint, plastics coloring and paint preparation.

2. develop surface treatment technology of pigment particle, form a layer of color film as inorganic compounds or organic pigment on the particle surface, it can change the surface properties of pigment particle, improve light resistance, heat resistance, wetting properties, expand applications and improve value.
3. make manufacture pigments to save a lot of abrasive machining costs. If you want to know more, click here!


