
Food grade sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose(CMC)

Food scientists have found that the use of small doses sodium carboxy methyl cellulose can increase stability and strong consistency of beverages and food. It can avoid the occurrence of a certain chemical crystallization and haze in white wines and sparkling wine. Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose is the most wide use and the largest amount use of cellulose in the world today. CMC-Na for short, it is the degree of polymerisation of 100~2000 cellulose derivative, the relative molecular mass is 242.16. White fibrous or granular powder. Odorless, tasteless, hygroscopic, soluble in water.


It has many application in many fields. in food industry it is used as a thickening agent, in pharmaceutical industry it is used as drug carriers, in daily-use chemical industry it is used as a bonding agent, in dyeing and printing industry it is used as protective colloid of a sizing agent and the printing paste in dyeing and printing industry, it is used as oil fracturing fluid compositions in the petrochemical. There is food grade and industrial grade CMC, the latter with more reaction by-products. CMC actual degree of substitution between 0.4~1.5, food grade CMC substitution is 0.6~0.95, recently revised European legislation allows the DS in the CMC for food up to 1.5, transparency and stability of the solution is also good. Sodium in sodium carboxymethyl cellulose of food grade requirements of purity is up to 98.5% or above, so sodium content will also be washed to a very low level by alcohol. Carboxy methyl cellulose can be understood as high purity CMC in another way.

FAO and WHO had been approved pure CMC used in the food, it is approved by a strictly biological, toxicological studies and tests, international standards of safe intake (ADI) is 25mg/(kg • d), which is approximately 1.5 g/d one person. Application of CMC in food is not only a good emulsion stability agent, thickening agent, and has excellent stability of the freezing, melting, and enhance the flavour of the product, extend the storage time. The amount in soy milk, ice cream, ice cream, jelly, beverage, canned goods is about 1% ~1.5%. CMC can be used with vinegar, soy sauce, vegetable oil, fruit juice, gravy, vegetable juices form a stable emulsion dispersion, it is 0.2% ~ 0.5%. Particularly, it is extremely excellent to animal or vegetable fats, proteins and emulsifying properties of aqueous and form stable homogeneous emulsions.

At the same time, it should pay attention to moisture, fire, heat, and stored in ventilated, dry place. Storage of this product is strictly prohibited in contact with water, or gel or partly dissolved to cause it cannot be used. If you have interest, click here thanks!


