
Uses of sodium saccharin

People's daily consumption of sugar is extracted from sugar cane, sugar beets and other plants. There are some more sweet substance in plant, native South American stevia is 200~300 times sweeter than sucrose. Sodium saccharin is often used synthesis sweetener in the food industry. When used in food, it is applied to cold drinks, beverages, jellies, ice-cream, pickled type, preserves, cakes, fruit, protein, sugar, etc. It is widely used synthetic sweet agent, also it is used in the food industry and sweet diet of the diabetes. It can be the feed additives, and in daily-use chemical industry, it is used in toothpaste, mouthwash, eye drops, and so on.

Non-sugar substances contain no carbohydrates, carbohydrates is what we usually call the carbs. They are rich in nutrients and involves in human metabolism, high heat, but excessive intake will increase physical burdens, so it is refused by diabetics, dieters. however, if the lack of sweet substances, many food will be inedible. Therefore, the market requires less heat and sweeteners that do not affect blood glucose levels and insulin levels, needs substitute for natural sugars, and the emergence of sodium saccharin, it features exactly conforms to the needs of this market, or that makes up carbohydrates "market imperfections".


Electroplating sodium saccharin is mainly used in electroplating of nickel as brightener. Add a small amount of saccharin sodium, brightness and softness of nickel plating can be improved. General use amount is 0.1--0.3 grams per liter potion. But there are some controversy sodium saccharin, and there is no clear result. Saccharin sodium is synthesized organic chemical products, it is a food additive instead of food. If eat too much saccharine, it may affects the normal secretion of digestive enzymes and reduce the absorption capacity and appetite.

Based on years of research, it shows that in accordance with the regulations of reasonable use of sodium saccharin is safe, saccharin can no longer be considered to be substances of potential risk to human health. According to Joint Expert Committee on food additives (JECFA) of the United Nations food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization, saccharin ADI values (daily tolerable intake) is 0~5 mg per kg body weight daily, namely, a daily intake of 50 kg body weight is 250 mg. If you have interest to us and want to get more chemicals details, click here, thanks!


