
Many kinds of sweeteners

Sweeteners are raw materials of beverage production, they can be divided into natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. Sucrose, glucose, maltose syrup, high fructose corn syrup and other natural sweeteners used in beverage raw materials with high nutritional value. Artificial sweeteners have high sweetness, but they do not produce heat. Natural sweeteners sugar and syrup are the most widely used, glycerin, sorbitol, mannitol also can be used as a sweeteners.


Natural sweetener stevioside is yellowish white powder, odorless, cool and sweet, about 300 times sweeter than sucrose, solubility in water (25℃) for l:10, heating with pH4~10 is not hydrolyzed. It is lasting sweetness but a little bitter, so it is often combined with sugar and sodium saccharin. Synthetic sweetener saccharin sodium is 200~700 times the sweetness of sucrose, it is easily soluble in water, but the solution is not stable, long-term placement will decrease its sweet. Common amount is 0.03%. Usually it combined with simple syrup, sugar and stevia glycosides, and used to make flavored flavorings. Aspartame, also known as a sugar-protein, is a second peptide sweetener, 50~200 times more sweeter than sucrose and without bitterness and dental caries. It can effectively reduce heat, so it is suitable for patients with diabetes and obesity.

Since nutritive sweeteners and sugar are also involved in energy metabolism of carbohydrates, why use them in place of sugar? First, use the sweetness of sugar greater than 1 to replace sugar can achieve the same amount of sweetness and less than the purpose of the use of sucrose. Take fructose as an example, its sweetness is about 1.7, that is about a little more than half of the amount of sucrose that can achieve the same sweetness. In addition, the absorption and metabolism of fructose is slower than sucrose, also the disturbances of blood glucose values are smaller, so fructose is often used for low-sugar recipes. Secondly, the advantages of using sugar alcohols have similar taste to cane sugar, and the energy generated in the body is less than sucrose, its absorption and metabolism is slow, causing relatively low intensity of blood sugar fluctuations. Most sugar alcohols is incomplete digestion and absorption in intestinal, that is to say they are excreted in stools before intestinal absorption. If you have interest to okchem, please visit our homepage or follow our Linkedin Page, or read more here, thanks!


